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It's Happening!!

Kip and Beer Belly Bob will love it.

Yep we are friends with Kip and we go in there quite a bit. I bought my last sled from him in fact.

We have been in Beer Belly Bob’s but it’s usually dead in there. We usually go down to Kip’s old joint for Pizza or Burgers.
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We are supposed to get 4" - 7" locally tonight into tomorrow with 40+ mph winds and 55+mph gusts. With the warm wet ground, I don't expect much to stick around.

I really hope it does since I have zero miles so far this year. With 3 kids in activities every single weekend, its getting harder and harder to trailer somewhere and get out to ride. Considering selling the sleds and buying new after they are grown and in college.
I hear you. I got heat when the kids were young...have to ride when it snows....wife never liked snomobiling, but beginning at 16 in 1969...lol.....it's embedded..
..my wife watched our grandkids so my daughter and son law could at least get one ride in....which they did. They got back at 8 instead of 5 when c8a was closed nearly completing a loop, and had to double back. Stuff always happens!
Our ground is still frozen. Only the top inch got thawed. All the water holes froze up the other day when it dropped to 20. Any snow next week will stay!!
It has to...sniff sniff....
Go to Tige's in Mass City. Good times!

Funny all the years we have stayed in Greenland we never have been there. We’ve bought gas at the BP, ate at the old cafe which has been closed for years. I gotta dig up that photo, place looked like an igloo or an ice cone one year. Last season we stopped at the old Mass supermarket to buy some LP. One of the sleds wouldn't start in the trailer.

My two favorites up there are the Rosseau Bar and Carmalita’s in Calumet.
Groomed NW and W side of the Twin Cities. Ended up in Maple Plain. Another guy heading out tonight. I’ll be back out tomorrow night. Love it but could use some more snow.
Glad to see you getting some use out of that thing. I'll be riding your trails this weekend. How were the plowed fields? Pretty thin I'm guessing with the wind last night and today.
Thin but rideable when I went through the other night. Sounds like we may get more Monday night into Tuesday.
