Lets see some pictures of your machines

Thanks for the welcomes BPY and MM. I have questions for the experienced about steering, floatation and engine pan protection for the VL and will start new threads for them later. Riding season is over here for now.
I know it's not the right sled but it's as close as I get. Here's the Phazer with my wife's seat cover.

Happy wife, happy life!

Ultrafrozen said:
I know it's not the right sled but it's as close as I get. Here's the Phazer with my wife's seat cover.

Happy wife, happy life!

That's OK. They're cousins. The VL/MP are just overgrown Phazers! ;)!
The last picture of my Multi Purpose, the last run of the season.

BombaPolaYama said:
Here is a pic of my VL taken last season. Last season I upgraded from 7 to 8" Slydogs and the flotation is great but the deeper keel makes for tricky steering in crusty conditions.


what did you do...back up and jump off???......where's your tracks...lol

Psycho Dave said:
The last picture of my Multi Purpose, the last run of the season.

Looks like the bearing seized and spun in the frame/retainer. Hopefully the frame is OK.

BTW, could you add your location to your profile. Not being a pseudo-mod, I just like knowing where people are from :-o
I have not checked the frame yet, I will tear it down during the summer and fix it. It has done 11500 km so it is probably in need of a real look over.

Oh and I live in Sweden and have updated my profile.
BombaPolaYama said:
Here is a pic of my VL taken last season. Last season I upgraded from 7 to 8" Slydogs and the flotation is great but the deeper keel makes for tricky steering in crusty conditions.


what did you do...back up and jump off???......where's your tracks...lol

Backing up? Yeah I think that was the trick.
Thanks - my favourite pics are winter pics.
