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Long track (121 to 144)


Sep 12, 2021
Reaction score
Apex Gt
Hey guys, was thinking this morning about a long track conversion, My 06 apex gt has the 121 on it, do lots of guys do this or is it not preffered, also what has to be done to it, would a 137 make more sense. Or should I just stick to a 121, .any thoughts, or reviews from guys that have done this. ?
Hey guys, was thinking this morning about a long track conversion, My 06 apex gt has the 121 on it, do lots of guys do this or is it not preffered, also what has to be done to it, would a 137 make more sense. Or should I just stick to a 121, .any thoughts, or reviews from guys that have done this. ?
I plan to go to a 128 very soon. Along with a swap to a Ripsaw II from the oem Rip I.
Tracks USA offers a 121" to 144" rail extension but not sure if anything else would need to be changed as well.
Pretty sure the Mono skid has geometry issues if you extend it beyond 136/137 and don’t set it back. I’ve done several conversions over the years and they’ve all worked out really well, absolutely worth the time/cost/effort.
I read many mixed thoughts about going beyond 137, Id be ok with setting it back but have no clue where to start with that and to know how far back and what angle to set it at. Would gearing also need to be messed with or..
I read many mixed thoughts about going beyond 137, Id be ok with setting it back but have no clue where to start with that and to know how far back and what angle to set it at. Would gearing also need to be messed with or..
Yammy dropped the top gear a tooth on the longer track versions of the Apex from the factory, I’ve done the same with the sleds I’ve converted. They also changed the secondary spring to a white at 60* on the 06-10 sleds, I did this as well when running stock clutching set ups.
Did 121 to 144 on a 09 gt. Would never go back. Skid at stock location. Make sure track is ran very loose
