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Loose Hyfax

07 GT

Oct 30, 2007
New Glarus, WI
I was just doing a inspection on the skid of my 07 GT and I noticed the hyfax will move left to right towards the rear of the skid!

I have oem slides on there. Are they supposed to be that loose? Im afraid if the screw that holds them on breaks, the slide will come out and ruin the track or worse.

Run your hand under the hyfax as it may be split. The front screw would have no effect on side to side movement except towards the front. A little side to side movement is normal though. There should not be any up and down movement.
The side to side movement itself is fine, the Ice Age rails I run have a very loose hyfax, makes changing it much easier.

HOWEVER, the Yamaha rails are normally very tight, so I would make sure you haven't tweaked something or split your hyfax, because you might have just found a symptom of another problem.

