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Monroe Cty WI, TY ride - Interest?


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Dec 23, 2008
Sparta, WI
I have seen a little interest in maybe putting together a TY ride here in West Central WI. We have had very good snow the last 4 winters and have the network of trails now to show for it. Being part of the Snowmobile club, I know we have over 300 miles of trails with 8 groomers running almost non stop when the snow files. The central location and lodging would be in Sparta WI. I could talk to the 3 hotels right on the trail to see if there could be a group discount set up. I think the best date in the area would be for Saturday the 28th of January. If you have any interest and would like for more information or could possibly attend, please speak up. I would have no problem setting up everything and creating a route. I have help from the Monroe cty club and all local clubs to make sure everything will be above exceptional for the ride.
So if you think you could make it to the event let me know as soon as possible to know if I can to make this fly. It would be a great opportunity to get people out and see the awsome network of trails we have and have a great time with fellow TYers.

Also, If you are on the ropes or interested... Would you want a hotel room. Because if it is mostly locals or within an hour or two the hotels might not be applicable.
I would be interested in motel room
Excellent. Hopefully We can get some more people in the next few months because I got the Club backing me and looks like we are going to have a chili feed somewhere along the way. I am going to try and plan for a 100 mile loop throughout the day. Tell all your friends and spread the word!
Im in for sure! I have a place to stay too. Sledneck if you need help planning a route or anything really give me a pm! Would like to help out
interested, but may have my UP trip scheduled then. Ill have to check. Hotel is a maybee for me if it works out.
Excellent, I will be making arrangments with the hotel early next week. And more details to follow then. Again if you are interested please post here for a numbers count. The sooner the better.
Thanks again everyone and this will be a great ride. I have already started my snow dance!
