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Mtn Lite Track Lugs

None for me, but I operate in generous snow conditions and don't spin out on bare ground and rocks. I ride on hard packed a lot, but icy hard packed. If the lug is cracking, perhaps it is from heat damage to the track as opposed to spinning out on objects. How's the sliders?
Over half of my lugs on both edges of my track are gone. I ride in decent conditions in the UP of MI. 90% in powder. I wonder if the edges are gone from hitting the bank when I have to drive a little ways on plowed logging roads? Anyway does anybody have any recommendations for a replacement track. I will probably stick out this season with what i have.
Isn't that track the only 144" x 14" x 2" track option? Only available through yamaha?????
brown1966 said:
Over half of my lugs on both edges of my track are gone. I ride in decent conditions in the UP of MI. 90% in powder. I wonder if the edges are gone from hitting the bank when I have to drive a little ways on plowed logging roads? Anyway does anybody have any recommendations for a replacement track. I will probably stick out this season with what i have.

That will do it. My buddy runs the 1.5" intense track on all his sleds. One year he knocked a bunch of lugs off his RX-1. He nailed it down to coming back onto the road or groomed trail off of snowbanks on a angle. I think he was right because he has never had the problem since he stopped doing that.
Thanks superman...I see camoplast has a freeride track, but 1.5 is the only option. i would prefer to stick with 2"..Maybe something else will be out by next year
I have 2200 miles and inspected track closly today and it appears to look like new, although I do ride mainly off trail and so far this year in VERY generous snow conditions
I have a few cracks here and there, I think the track is too soft really, I have(had) a polaris camoplast with 1.75 paddles and barely showed any wear.
