Much talked about mach z sidewinder race

brp ,bring rings n pistons,, had to!!
my 2 cents... stock for stock.... I would be shocked to see the MachZ lose to the SRX in a drag race as they had all the time in the world to get it right. Top end... It will be the SRX. However, I still think the TCAT will be the one to give the MachZ the flap in a drag race because of the gearing and clutching. The Cat will also beat it on top end. It looks like BRP is sending them out with the rear skid in the fully coupled position for less transfer. I get it as it was designed for trail riding, but you would think it would want to win the impromptu drag race... We shall see.
T-Cat for the win.
When the mach z gets beat it can grab its fishing gear and go ice fishing as thats what it looks like it was intended to doo anyway lol
true dat! idc if it beat a winder,n rooster tailed 100 doller bills i still wouldn't want it!
This winter will be more fun beating up on the mach z sleds.
Seen it with the 850s and 900t.
They all want to race but won't even run to top end due to the fact that they just got their azz handed to them.
The Pre production Mach's were running 192 hp on the dyno, you can bet your azz the full production Mach will be tuned to over 200 plus hp better clutched and fined tuned suspension setup, I would lay money that Doo has a newer SRX/ Thunder Cat that they are testing the full production Mach against, Doo didn't reintroduce the new Mach Z to be in second place and bitch slapped by a stock winder, I am a true blue and would love to eat crow on this one but better to be cautious then smack talking about a easy win for the Yamaha winder when the two line up.
The Pre production Mach's were running 192 hp on the dyno, you can bet your azz the full production Mach will be tuned to over 200 plus hp better clutched and fined tuned suspension setup, I would lay money that Doo has a newer SRX/ Thunder Cat that they are testing the full production Mach against, Doo didn't reintroduce the new Mach Z to be in second place and bitch slapped by a stock winder, I am a true blue and would love to eat crow on this one but better to be cautious then smack talking about a easy win for the Yamaha winder when the two line up.
So your saying the 900r that PEFI dynoed a few weeks back was a pre production sled?
I can't wait to see these guy use their Mach's anti-lag in the snow just blowing the track away while the Winder drive away.
I have anti-lag and find it quite worthless on an actual trail sled in the snow. It is ZERO advantage over a machine without it. I find it best to leave on the throttle and even then just squeezing ever so slowly and allowing it to hook depending on snow conditions.

I have a buddy that has a 900t with a tune in it, we modded the muffler and dit the whole works on it and even he said it wasn't close to running with his nephews stock 9000 Cat 998. He's honest and said these guys on DooTalk that think they can run with stock winders are fooling themselves think they can. He's ordered the new Mach so I'll get a chance to ride it this winter too, he's hoping its faster than the tuned up 900t's were, which I'm sure they will be, but still a ways to go IMO. He didn't buy it thinking he'd be fast. Put a tune in a Winder and its game over for any 900 Doo.
Said this before but I test drove a Mach last Spring at a dealer in minnesota!!!! I will say sorry to all you skidoo trolls on here but I would not ever challenge any sidewinder in the real world!!NO TURBO EQUALS NO CHANCE..keep trying trolls!
