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Muni giveaway ride

yamahagirl said:
Nate is your wife ready for another ride ... maybe one with others and not solo! I still can't believe she drove to Grand Maris all by herself!

I missed this story!! What happened, why did she end up ridding there alone?
It was great to see all of you again and meet alot of new people.My Dad and me had a great time as usual.
Next time I room with ChadG I'm bringing ear plugs,lmao J/K Chad
Yeah, she had alot of fun, but was pretty tired after a while day of riding. I was pretty proud of her for getting there that fast, but I really had issues with myself for sending her towards Grand Marais by herself, not having much experience. I knew we had limited time to make the trip, and with one of us having to attend to the kids at the hotel, I thought if we both rode back together, we'd never have made it there. Since it was an easy run up #8,(we were aready in Shingleton) I just told her to take her time and stay on that trail (she had a map), and I'd run back to the hotel, take care of the kids (Thanks Sarah!!) and ride like hell to catch her.
After riding harder that I've ever riden before (anybody who's riden with me knows this probably wasn't good....) I arrived at Grand Marais to find her walking out of the bar with everybody else!!!
She loves to ride, but she's still too cautious to keep up with just about anybody on those TY rides!!! She said she rode about 45 - 55 mph, and that was all she was comfortabe with, but she has only ridden that run once, and about 40 miles last season! Given some time, I'm sure she'll feel more comfortable with it. She wanted to just ride with me so everybody else wasn't waiting on us. We ended up having a great time, and I had time to jump off trail and play while she kept moving, so we both had fun.
Sorry I didn't get to ride with the group much, but being able to make a family trip out of it was great, and at least being able to party (a little) with everybody was great! I just wish I was still there with my buddy Nick who's there all week!
Once again, another great ride..... Tom, I just cant say enough about what you do for all of us.... these rides, this site, everything makes our experience better. The friends and memories made through this site and the rides makes the summers shorter and light snow winters better!!!

Oh and by the way could anyone hear me calling out numbers, or just chad????
Oh, I could hear you all the way in the back! LOL Thanks for calling all of my numbers!!!

Thanks to all of the sponsors for the gifts also!
