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New Kimpex Stealth ski - no keel?

BetheViper, did you ever fab up some keels for your Stealth skis? I just did and am going to try them out tomorrow to see how they handle.

I sold my replacement Stealth skis to Phatboyc last year, but Kimpex never wanted my old skis back. After trashing my Kimpex Arrows that I had been using all year (still an awesome trail ski btw), I transferred my ski handles and carbides over to the Stealth ski...I did have to drill new holes for them though. I bought some pieces of UHMW strips from Lee Valley and cut and trimmed pieces to create extra keels.

The center keel is 1" wide by 3/4" deep and only 24" long. Each side keel is 3/4" wide by 3/8", 24" long. Hopefully they will track straight and not push in softer snow. I should be able to get a good read as to how they handle with 10-15cm in the forecast tomorrow!


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I am still running mine. They work decent. I do wish they just had the arrow bottoms under the wider, stiffer, much better looking back. Why does your ski look like the carbides are so short. Wish I had an extra set to butcher up.
The carbides are from my Arrow skis. I don't have the Stealth carbides anymore.
I was just about to ask you Grimm how you made out this season. That is a neat contraption you made there. Let me include my reply to you here for others interested to read.

Did 1000km this year with the Stealth. I like the ski, love the looks.

It digs very good in the curves. 100% better than stock ski/carbide. I like the width since I'm often on the river and boondocking in the field. But this has its downside when the trails just got 6"plus of snow it can float before digging in. But this is very manageable.

I just bought my wife a 2010 Vector LTX with snowtrackers. Being the same snowmobile except the engine it was fun to compare. Snowtrackers are allot easier to turn on the trails. Almost like PS. The turn radius at slow speed is awesome. The stealth, especially on asphalt, are horrible for this.

Would I by them again? Yes! I like having something different so they suit me just fine.

Now I quickly glanced at my carbides (afraid to look longer). I think there doing the same as Grimm's did last season. Might be expensive if I have to by a new set every year... I'm thinking buying the snowtracker carbide they are making for the tuner ski and cut/weld the bolts at the right place.

This is supposed to be the snowtracker carbide that you install on the tuners (with or without the fins I presume). I though they would be longer. Darn.
another option is eversharps. they have a very tall host bar like the trackers.

havent looked at my stealth carbides. I have put about 1200mls on them. I really like them but for the lack of a full length keel that lets you float a little in some conditions.

think I might sell them and go another way.

All they needed to do was make a wider stepped version of the arrow.
If you look closely, one of the carbide runners is a Snowtracker runner and the other is a Studboy shaper.

If this mod doesn't work out, I'll likely buy a set of the new deep keeled Tuner skis on the 2015 Vipers.
I looked at a 2015 today and it has the same depth ski on it. if it is deeper, must be very little. you should be able to buy eversharps for the tuner by now. They are deaper than stock. This is what I was ordering when i happened on the stealth.

my nephew bought a used mountain sled and it had 10in simmons on it. Great working ski on the snow. wish they made them in clear so you wouldn't have to look at how ugly they are. They sure do float good.
I think I read on AMSnow that the keel is 5mm deeper with a more aggressive angle. It's possible that the 2015s you saw were pre-pros and didn't have all the improvements advertised for next year.

Btw, my experiment failed with the Stealth skis...I had zero turning ability. They clearly need full length deeper keels to get them to work. I may try to mount a piece of uhmw under each carbide runner to get them to work...if I'm feeling ambitious enough this week. For the time being, I resorting to repairing my Arrow skis for today. Using the stock skis really really really sucks, makes the sled dart like crazy.
