New TY Tech Videos for Winder/Tcat

The instructions from mike800 below is correct. The only thing I would add is once you put the fork of the tool on the short end of the spring twist it counterclockwise while lifting it off. In the past, If someone does not have the tool, you can do what cannondale27 wrote.

We never unhook the front on a Procross chassis with the slide-action skid. With the skid turned out from the tunnel the front arm slides rearward enough and off the bar. If it is a struggle go ahead and remove the short arms of the springs to collapse the rear arm for removal. The slot on the bar grabs the short arm; twist with the handles and lift off the adjuster blocks.

The video referenced is for the 141 Pro LInkage kit install.
Ok. They should be on lowest setting?
Ok. They should be on lowest setting?
Put it on the lowest setting for removal for less tension. You can also use that tool to put it back on the block when you put the skid back in once you get used to the tool.
Put it on the lowest setting for removal for less tension. You can also use that tool to put it back on the block when you put the skid back in once you get used to the tool.
I looked at the tool quick and was list. lol.
