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Nytro fuel tank size?

How much does/did the Nyrto's fuel tank size affect your decision to buy?

  • 1. It NEEDS a larger tank before I would buy it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. The small tank SUCKS but I love the sled so maybe?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. I would LIKE a larger tank but I would/did still buy it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. The tank size is FINE and not an issue for me.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 5. I think the tank needs to be SMALLER.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Don't remember which magazine it was in, but earlier this year there was an article about how Yamaha had to downsize some tanks because of an EPA permiation rule or some nonsense like that. Does anyone know what this rule is all about?

In my group of riders my apex gets the best MPG and we allways fill up at 50-80miles. so for me it wouldnt be a big deal because the two smokes would run out of gas by 100 miles anyways..

I think they should atleast raise the tank to 8.5 gallons, just to make everyone happy..
welterracer said:
I think they should atleast raise the tank to 8.5 gallons, just to make everyone happy..

Unfortunately, you'll never make 'everyone' happy. I'm fine with my 7.5 gallons, so I'm happy!
I was also hoping to snowcheck an XTX but due to the small tank there is no way now. I will have to look elsewhere.
62crusr said:
I was also hoping to snowcheck an XTX but due to the small tank there is no way now. I will have to look elsewhere.

You must have been on the fence then, because there will be plenty of aftermarket options available by then to make it a non-issue.
Bullitt, I would agree that its not a issue if we were not all on 4 strokes! If we had a couple 2 strokes that only got 7-10 mpg in our group it wouldn't be a issue. We got everyone to switch from smokers in the last couple years. It is a pain in everyone elses a$$ to have to stop with a half or so tank when your riding with someone that can not go further!!! For some reason Yamaha put the Nytros in this pain in the a$$, can not go further group!!!
The question is why, not if its a pain!!!!

We in many cases go 110-120 miles before looking for gas!
So 1 guy looking for gas in 70-80 miles is a pain in the whole groups a$$!!!


Also when you give $10,000ish for a top of the line[?] sled, you shouldn't have to go get a big enough gas tank to ride with your buds from some aftermarket shop, so your not a pain in their a$$!!!

Bullitt, I would agree that its not a issue if we were not all on 4 strokes! If we had a couple 2 strokes that only got 7-10 mpg in our group it wouldn't be a issue. We got everyone to switch from smokers in the last couple years. It is a pain in everyone elses a$$ to have to stop with a half or so tank when your riding with someone that can not go further!!! For some reason Yamaha put the Nytros in this pain in the a$$, can not go further group!!!
The question is why, not if its a pain!!!!

We in many cases go 110-120 miles before looking for gas!
So 1 guy looking for gas in 70-80 miles is a pain in the whole groups a$$!!!


Also when you give $10,000ish for a top of the line[?] sled, you shouldn't have to go get a big enough gas tank to ride with your buds from some aftermarket shop, so your not a pain in their a$$!!!


The point is, that you're attributing YOUR situation to everyone in this thread, and anyone who owns or may potentially own a Nytro. You call it a pain in the arse. But for me, and many of us it's no big deal, because I DO ride with 2 strokes. We don't stop for gas because of the Nytro. They aren't going to be able to make a sled for everyone.

I keep hearing this "you're paying 10k for this sled you shouldn't need..." blah blah blah. You know what, if you're paying that much then you should be making your purchase knowing that you're going to want to customize it, because the sled comes like it is for the AVERAGE rider, NOT FOR YOU. I could whine and moan about the stock ski's, because they suck donkey imo. I don't, because no matter what the make, I would buy aggressive ski's. I go into the purchase knowing that. Like tourers go into the purchase knowing they will need to buy their saddlebags, or people who like deeper lug tracks instead of studs buying their tracks. It would mean that for the last several years I should make a myriad of posts about risers, because they never make a post that's tall enough for me. Or if I had a Doo, that I had to buy knee pads cause the riding position it forces you in is harder on the knees without them. You could go on and on. The name of the game is customization of YOUR sled. The manufacturer will never make a sled that you are 100% happy with. That's just part of sledding and something that people can't seem to get their minds around.
Yamahnator said:
The point is, that you're attributing YOUR situation to everyone in this thread, and anyone who owns or may potentially own a Nytro. You call it a pain in the arse. But for me, and many of us it's no big deal, because I DO ride with 2 strokes. We don't stop for gas because of the Nytro. They aren't going to be able to make a sled for everyone.

I keep hearing this "you're paying 10k for this sled you shouldn't need..." blah blah blah. You know what, if you're paying that much then you should be making your purchase knowing that you're going to want to customize it, because the sled comes like it is for the AVERAGE rider, NOT FOR YOU. I could whine and moan about the stock ski's, because they suck donkey imo. I don't, because no matter what the make, I would buy aggressive ski's. I go into the purchase knowing that. Like tourers go into the purchase knowing they will need to buy their saddlebags, or people who like deeper lug tracks instead of studs buying their tracks. It would mean that for the last several years I should make a myriad of posts about risers, because they never make a post that's tall enough for me. Or if I had a Doo, that I had to buy knee pads cause the riding position it forces you in is harder on the knees without them. You could go on and on. The name of the game is customization of YOUR sled. The manufacturer will never make a sled that you are 100% happy with. That's just part of sledding and something that people can't seem to get their minds around.
Your rant to prove that YOU don't have a problem with the small tank is for what purpose? Because you’re tired of the whining?...I'd say you better look in the mirror. The MAJORITY of people feel this tank is unacceptable and have very good reasons why they feel this way. What do you have to gain by making a post like this? When there is an issue that affects many people like this it's a GOOD thing to get it out into the open and discuss it. Posts like yours just cause trouble. You may be right that the manufacturer will never make a sled that we are 100% happy with but I would have to say that (because of feedback like this thread) they are getting a lot closer!!!

Obviously for some it's not a big deal, which is great. I appreciate their opinion because it helps me to understand what type of rider would consider this small tank a good thing. For some it seems to be more about the weight savings. While others just don't venture that far from fuel. It also seems to me that some people use their sled more as a toy and less like a vehicle. All good reasons why THESE people are not affected by the small tank. For the other 80% of people it's a different story.

If the sled came with a larger tank but you don't want all that fuel then why not as ReX stated, just fill your tank with less fuel??? What I am really trying to understand is why do some people that don't have a problem with the small tank take offense to the people that would like and/or need a larger tank. For the MAJORITY of people and the type of riding they do the small tank is a big deal. To have to worry and fret over whether or not you will make it to the next fuel stop takes a lot of the fun out of the experience. Sometimes it even ruins the experience completely because you CAN’T go where you want to.
I hate to be Captain Obvious here, but last I checked this was YOUR thread on wether it is or isn't an issue for people... Implying that you did in fact want opinions by people on wether they think it's good enough or they want a bigger tank. After all wasn't that why there was a poll at the top? And that would then imply that you did indeed want people to share their opinions on it?

If you wanted to just have another thread out there to complain about a small tank then by all means at least say it in the title. No where in this thread did I say it shouldn't be an issue for you or any other person. No where did I say that I wouldn't mind a larger tank. The ONLY point I did make was that it ISN'T an issue for me and not lump me in with those who feel that EVERYONE should find this to be a problem. If they came out with a bigger tank, that's fine with me, some of you make it sound like we'd turn it down. I don't care about the extra "wet weight" in gas, which was apparently the reason for it, but by the same token it's not a big deal for me. Like I said if you go into it knowing that you're going to want to customize it then it's not quite as bad.

So in my best impression of Dr. Cox... Take your little cup of self righteous and drink it in the other room there Nancy =). (if you don't get that then don't take offense to it, just watched a couple episodes and sometimes ya gotta let out with a one liner).
Yamahnator, there is a fundamental difference between your opinion and the other opinions (that apparently you can't see). You are being critical of the people DOING the "complaining" (this is how bickering starts and how these threads go to hell) while the others are being critical of the issue CAUSING the "complaining" (this helps keep "complaining" to a minimum because things actually get resolved). Get it???
If people don't like the small tank, don't buy the sled.
Simple. Or buy the after market one.
The XTX is the sled I want. Besides the small fuel tank and skis. But I was planning on buying Simmons and I guess I could buy a bigger fuel tank too. If Yamaha doesn't make any big changes in 2010 then I will keep the XTX, put an 1.5" track on it, turbo it and then probably gear it up a little.
I'd have to say I'm impartial about the tank debate. I haven't run out of fuel yet, and I've come pretty darn close a few times (1 gallon left at fuel stops), but I can see where guys are coming from. I used to go 180+kms on my Blair Morgan Rev without even worrying about fuel, and now I go 140 kms +- and it's time for a fill, but I judge it according to my type of riding and head down the mountain when I need it, which is always in line with the rest of the group. The best part is when we do fill our sleds, I always take 5-20 litres less than some of the guys I ride with, and I only need to run regular fuel at that, so the savings are a big plus for me. Tough call folks, tough call....
It wasn't an issue for me which is why I bought the RTX. Now that I have it and it is fully broke in, it is now an issue. My range on groomed trails is 100 miles and that leaves less than 1 liter in my tank. I proved that this weekend. I ride with 2 Fusion 600s and 1 IQ 600 each with a 10+ gallon tank. Yes I get 2 mpg better but they beat me on range by at least 20 miles. I hate being the guy that looks for gas first. If the sled would do 17-18 mpg it wouldn't be an issue but until then it has become an issue for me at least.
GYTRules!!! said:
Yamahnator, there is a fundamental difference between your opinion and the other opinions (that apparently you can't see). You are being critical of the people DOING the "complaining" (this is how bickering starts and how these threads go to hell) while the others are being critical of the issue CAUSING the "complaining" (this helps keep "complaining" to a minimum because things actually get resolved). Get it???

Yamahnator said:
The point is, that you're attributing YOUR situation to everyone in this thread, and anyone who owns or may potentially own a Nytro. You call it a pain in the arse. But for me, and many of us it's no big deal, because I DO ride with 2 strokes. We don't stop for gas because of the Nytro. They aren't going to be able to make a sled for everyone.

Perhaps you missed this... Explain to me exactly where I'm telling others they have to share my opinion? Or that they have to like the tank size? Or even that they don't have the right to complain about it? On the contrary the tone of certain people's posts in this thread imply's that the tank size is unnacceptable for everyone and should be unnacceptable for us. Just as the above quote says. Please quote me in this thread where I told ANYONE to "stop complaining." I didn't tell anyone that.

The only point outside of the above quote that I made was that we all find things that we don't care for about our sleds, and that the manufacturer isn't going to make exactly what we want every time. It's a good idea to go into each sled purchase KNOWING that you're going to want to change something.
