Ohlins EC Shock Not Working


TY 4 Stroke God
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
The display in my gauge for the shock icon will not show up.
The plug to the shock got mangled and I replaced both ends with a trailer type connector.
I have power at the plug to the shock when tested with a test light. I plug in the shock and still have power but the icon will not show up in the gauge.
Is there something I am missing?
Stupid question, but you are pressing the mode button right? Does the heated grip signal show up?
SO how DO we verify that the compression actually does adjust? Does it make a noise? Is there a small motor in there that turns a screw?
They are quiet, hard to troubleshoot?

kidastra said:
Stupid question, but you are pressing the mode button right? Does the heated grip signal show up?
The grip icon shows. Cannot get it to show the shock icon while pressing the mode button, therefore no adjustability.
sounds like that is the place to start, if the icon is not coming up, it will not adjust. Another stupid question, have you checked all the fuses? Just a thought.

I think I have it narrowed down to the solenoid.
Plugged my shock into a buddies sled that shows the icon with his shock. icon did not show when my shock was attached. Must be the wires in the solenoid or the solenoid itself.
If anyone has a new solenoid they want to part with shoot me a pm.
my gauge works...but I have no idea if the actual solenoid is doing anything! LOL

