Oil Filter Wrench, 2009 Vector

Vector Julie

Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
Grand Haven, Mi
What type of oil filter wrench should be used on 2008-2009 Vector with the small access opening?

Tried to use cup type, it would not fit in opening. Then tried strap type with 1/2 drive ratchet, it only dented the filter and would not loosen it.

Have used conventional metal strap and handle type on 2006 Vector. It works well but this sled has the DB1 chassis and larger access opening.

Looking for other options.
i use a pair of 440 or larger channel lock pliers to take them off the grab the filter with a dry cloth to tighten it up...using the pliers does dent the filter but i am taking it off and throwing (recycling) it anyway...
I had the same issue with my 07 Nytro and I went to Advance auto parts and they had an oil filter strap. I don't remember the exact name of it and it was about $4 and it fits many oil filter sizes. I brought my new oil filter in and asked him if he had anything I can use to get the old one off since I cant find the oil filter wrench that will fit and he gave me the strap. its a thin piece of metal in a loop and it goes over the filter. When you turn the handle it tights onto the filter and easily unloosens it or tightens it.
Always use the strap with the 1/2 socket inserted between it and the filter. Never had a problem.

Just used this method on my 08 Vector for it's first oil change. As usual, the filter was on real tight from the factory.

The strap I use is one of the smaller ones so perhaps this is the difference?
Flipper said:
Always use the strap with the 1/2 socket inserted between it and the filter. Never had a problem.

Just used this method on my 08 Vector for it's first oil change. As usual, the filter was on real tight from the factory.

The strap I use is one of the smaller ones so perhaps this is the difference?
I am going to modify the strap wrench w/1/2 drive that I tried before.

Out of the box this wrench will grip a 6" diameter filter and when you try to use it on a small Vector filter it has a lot of extra strap rolled up.

All the extra straping takes up needed space in the opening when trying to turn it.
My small strap has a 3" opening before compression. It's smaller size also makes it easier to work in that small opening under the sled.

I picked up this smaller strap at an auto parts store. I'm sure you could find the same thing at your local auto parts places.
