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Oil in Air Box??

Had the 'oil in the airbox' problem on my 06 VK Pro last weekend.
The small return line from the bottom of the air box to the crank case was plugged with ice. The elbow at the engine crank case was also plugged with ice. Heated the metal elbow with a torch, put the unplugged hose back on and blew through it. Not sure why there is so much condensation or melted snow in the airbox. Haven't ran in deep snow - haven't had any to run in. Was very cold though -35C. Ran it this weekend with no problem.

My buddy has decided not to fix the sled. Anybody out there interested in the sled for parts? '05 Rage with 1200 miles. Other than the broken rod, everything else is in good working order.

tabhp........Remove all the oil lines and check for plugs. The oil you see in the measuring cup (first post) was after running the engine for about 30 seconds. I'm guessing here, but my theory as to what broke the rod was excessive oil pumped into the airbox which was then sucked into the cylinder causing a hydro lock situation. One other thing, just before (about 2 seconds) the engine cut out, the oil light came on. According to the dealer, the engine will run, but, obviously, on only two cylinders.
WFO....I have about the same amout of oil as you did in the pictures. I checked the hoses, all seem clear. The crank case hose at the air box does draw air into the crankcase.. but it is very small in relation to the oil comming from the oil tank to the air box.

I'll take her out for another run see what happens

I took the machine out for a run, 250kms it all seems fine. It must have been something frozen in one of the lines.

thanks everyone.
Just pulled the motor out of an '06 Nytro with a broken #2 rod. Owner stated the same thing started running rough and shut it down. Has anyone else seen this before?
