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Phazer gas mileage

Dec 23, 2012
Oneida, NY
How many mpg should I be expecting out of my mostly stock phazer?

Seemed like it ate a lot today on a short run. from full tank to one bar in about 80-85 miles.

About 100 mi to a tank or if you take it easy much better.So hard riding 13 mpg easy riding over 20mpg.
Schmitt brothers stage 2 on my mtx helps keep the revs off the limiter out of the hole and maintains 11,300 under hard acceleration. A definite improvement over stock, plus easy to install. The overdrive is built into the helix and gains you a couple mph.
I get pretty soild 16 mpg with bare phazer with a 144 and geared one tooth down. Don't totally trust the gas gauge mine on full the upper most bar does not ever light up and when the fuel light comes on I can still go 30+ miles. But yea 100 miles is about it.
I get any where from 15 to 18 depends on how hard I ride. I have gone 120 miles on a tank of gas. I'm all STOCK too.
I was riding pretty hard Saturday in powder. The light came on at 75 mi. I took it fairly easy after that and when I filled up I was at 90 miles and still had 1.5 gallons left in the tank.
Do the newer phazers do any better/worse on mileage? I ready reports like http://www.moto123.com/motorcycle-r...long-term-trail-test-part-two.spy?artid=94596
where they talk about 170 miles to a tank, and then read comments like the above and wonder what is going on. I just bought a 2014 phazer xtx and one of the primary reasons was because my 550 Polaris shift only got 5 mpg in ditch powder and 6 mpg overall. I was expecting the phazer to be much, much better.

MTX riders (and others with longer tracks)....what have you seen for mileage over the years and in what riding conditions?

Thank you,
That test is on a 2007 which holds over a gallon more fuel than newer models.
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I must have a magic Phazer, I've never gotten worse than 17mpg trail riding and 19-20mpg is my normal tank. Usually the low fuel light comes on at about the 90-100 mile mark when I have 2 gallons left in the tank. I'm not exactly easy on the throttle and a 144" with lower gearing doesn't help either, though maybe the lower gearing does help as the clutches are running a better ratio at my 45-60mph trail speed
Stretched out to 136, doing some skid and clutch work before the season - new wheels for one thing. But I see between 8 and 10 mpg. zero groomed trails, heavy snow, working it pretty hard. I was seeing 15 on hard pack.
8 to 10 mpg? That sounds horrible...I am not going to be much better off on range vs my 11.6 gallon shift running at 5-6 mpg. so basically all this talk about the great 4 stroke Yamaha mileage is just that...talk.
