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Phazer idle up problems


Mar 14, 2010
Lerresfjord, Norway
2009 pz mtx. After engine start , idle for 3-5 minutes. Then its tricky to get the engine up to 4000 rpm. After 4000 no problem. Its almost like i have to pump the throttle. Its also a bit tricky to start below -10C. All advice is appreciated.

For info 2010 engine. Same issues with 2009 engine

Could be a clutch issue. Have you checked the secondary? Could be sticking or in need of some maintenance. How many km?
That's a bit high for the primary to engage. It may need to be taken apart and checked out. Surprising at this low Km as these are usually pretty reliable. I'm not really an expert with the clutches so hopefully someone else can chime in with some advice.

Or maybe I'm looking at or understanding the problem the wrong way. Do you mean that from idle to 4000 rpm it's slow to get up there? How does the engine rev up with the belt off?
The issue is from idle to 4000rpm. Before cluch engagement. So its no clutch problem. Same with belt off. If i push the throttle to fast it stalls (only under 3000rpm)
Do you have a copy of the repair manual? There should be a troubleshooting chart to follow in the case of lack of power. Sounds like a fuel problem.
Do you have a copy of the repair manual? There should be a troubleshooting chart to follow in the case of lack of power. Sounds like a fuel problem.

Yes i do.
The power is fine when over 4000rpm. runs like a clock.
Somebody must have had this issue before ?
Hard to start when cold and difficult to get up to 4000rpm
Sounds like a TORs problem to me. Have you had the bars or throttle off?
If it was TORS, it wouldn't move at all, and you would get a code and flashing light.
2007's and possibly some 2008's had an issue with starting in very cold weather (below -25c). Otherwise, it takes a little longer than updated/later models but does start fine. No performance issues when running. The PCM was updated and was part of an extended warranty that has since run out.
Look at the hoses going up to those MAP sensors on airbox make sure they are connected and not cracked. Usually will throw a code but not always.
check the exhaust clamps under the fuel tank. they tend to get loose and fall off. and while your at it, also check the spark plugs. my third guess would be bad fuel, or water in the fuel but the engine would be coughing if it had water.
