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Phazer. Take off the blinders

some facts:

the doo renegade wieghs 136' 490lbs.
Mxz 121' 475
Summmit 144' 468

So your rant about the shorties weighing more than the long-ys is not true.

They can easily loose another 10-15lbs making a 450-460 lbs easy to do on the mountain sleds. They have products made BY BOMBARDIER (panels, lightweight suspension parts, ect) THAT CAN MAKE THAT WEIGHT LOSS NOW.

SLP has a single pie and porting that creates 160hp......i think doo took some tips from SLP.

Alticity-Vector said:
some facts:

the doo renegade wieghs 136' 490lbs.
Mxz 121' 475
Summmit 144' 468

So your rant about the shorties weighing more than the long-ys is not true.

They can easily loose another 10-15lbs making a 450-460 lbs easy to do on the mountain sleds. They have products made BY BOMBARDIER (panels, lightweight suspension parts, ect) THAT CAN MAKE THAT WEIGHT LOSS NOW.

SLP has a single pie and porting that creates 160hp......i think doo took some tips from SLP.


You're hilarious. I'm not even gonna bother with your "fact's" because you're a bit off... Shoot it's been posted in publications and you aren't even close to those... :roll:
My 03.5 Blair Morgan Rev 800 weighs 458 lbs dry, lighter than the 600 HO. I'm pretty sure it was the lightest Rev made (except for the 440), after that it was 464 lbs dry in 2004, both 600 and 800 HO models. It's also faster than the 800 HO, and it has 5 less HP supposedly ! I just hope the Phazer has enough grunt to keep me happy.....
I believe that I sent an idea (silly me, never considered copyrighting it),:moon: that if Yamaha wants to make the RX-Mountain a real light machine, add either a chain drive or gear exchange directly from the gear reduction casing to the chaincase, getting rid of the jackshaft, secondary and primary clutches, along with some serious room for a factory turbo. :4STroke:

You could mount the brakes on the other side of the tunnel, and guess what you just got rid of 40+ pounds ( never weighed all the parts that could be stripped with this idea), now have direct drive and still have the wicked motor that I love on my old 2003...I am sure that it could be done and it would really shut up all the critics about four stroke weight in the mountains...:die
Betcha it would be sweeter monster garage idea for the Apex Mountain, eh? ;)!
How much weight would this drop from the Apex Mountain, can anyone enlighten me? (Guessing 15-20 lbs. for primary, 10-15 for secondary and jackshaft, gussets, brackets, what else could come off? Thanks.

And while we are at here let's replace gear box with Crazey Mountains belt drive. It's a cost issue for me so if I want to ride Yamaha I take them as they come. Crazey Mountains are light and $ 25,000 200 Hp 190 hp it costs.

Yamaha is building sleds for every one, great trail sleds so so mountain sleds. They are gonna build four strokes and we need to get used to it or trade. One thing is for sure in every mountain group there needs to be at least one Yamaha to retreive the two stroke sleds with blown engines, broken cranks, and what ever unforseen failure may occure.

The new Phazer is not a mountain climber, it's a high preformance ENTRY level sled so our kids and some adults can have something decent to ride in a smaller class much like it's predisser Phazer.

First off :yam: I agree this will be an entry level sled but I think Yamaha will work from this design in future models. As an avid trail rider and someone who wants to get into mountain sledding, I am hearing all the same things, Yamaha has no mountain sled. I hear a lot of mixed reviews on the mountain apex. If they were to push this new phazer one step further, shave some weight and add some power. I think this sled is the one to do it. Yamaha will be #1 and to do that I think that they also need a strong mountian sled. I hate to say it, but if they don't do something soon I may be looking at a cat or a doo for a mountain sled. But I'll keep the Apex for the trails! Interesting post.
From what I know and who I have talked to (friends in Colorado), I would not be riding a yami for the deep stuff. But I mentioned it before, they are not fucusing on the mountain line up because I think they sell a hell of a lot more trail sleds. With as poor at the winters are here in the midwest now, I would think they would look at their mountain sleds more...
We'll see....
if Yamaha wants to make the RX-Mountain a real light machine, add either a chain drive or gear exchange directly from the gear reduction casing to the chaincase, getting rid of the jackshaft, secondary and primary clutches, along with some serious room for a factory turbo.

That is a good idea.

I was off....but not much. The motor is completely new from sk-doo. They have made 10-15 hp incrases on the doos since it's introduction. And it's 151 hp!!!! And the wieght is also close to the the 460lbs sled. Only 8 lbs away!!!

Just keep riding wheelie on your bike Yamahnator. And yes I am your friend...
The new Doo might have 10 or so more Hp, but it's also 21 lbs heavier than my 03.5 BM 800 (458 lbs) ! :ORC The 07 XRS is listed on the site at 479 lbs dry, so the climbers are gonna outweigh that by far. Not impressed with Doo at all !
Alticity-Vector I totally agree with you yamaha's flat lander sleds are perfect but they need to concentrate on the mtontain sleds more and cut some weight.Most of the people that nexer rode mountains don't understand how much weight matter's so that's why they argue with you on everyuthing.The 800 doo is around 155hp I for got the xact # and the mountaiun sleds are suposed to be aroung 10-15lbs lighter.
