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Pick my SE up this weekend


Sep 8, 2008
Tarrytown NY
2014 Yamaha Viper RTX SE
Got the call that my SE is on the truck heading to the dealer. Got the chills once I heard. Can't wait to see it. Curve skis and Excell Exhaust are going on immediately. I will send pics as soon as I get it. Praying for a short fall and a long winter. Pics will come oce I get her. :Rockon: :Rockon:

I put an Excell on my Apex right out of the box and had no problems. Is the Nytro different?
Congrats!!! That means I should be getting a call soon too!!!
:Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon: :Rockon:

This wait is driving me crazy. I think it's worse than when I was waiting for my Apex.

Curves, Ulmer Bushings, and zerts, Temp gauge, and a few other items to go on it. :-o

Is anyone planing on tearing apart the shocks on their S.E. before they ride? Just curious what the valving is like. I really hope it's progressive, but I won't hold my breath, oh well still should be good.
I remember the feeling like it was yesterday.......... It's a great feeling getting that call, it gets harder to sleep, and makes for a long summer! But when that call comes....... :Rockon:
Deadman said:
what temp gauge you installing?

If your asking me it's the Daytona one from Ulmer. Not sure yet were it's going to go but I figure something out.

As for the guy in the A.C. gear, well I think he was so amazed that I wasn't adding oil at every gas stop like he was, that he just wanted to get a good look at it. After all the only time he could get a close look is when LawDog had me pulled over. :moon:

Word of advise to everyone, don't put your trail sticker on your riser, even if it is "centered above you headlight". They can't see it that well and you will get stopped over and over. :o|
problem posting the pics.

Sorry guys the photos i took are too big for the site. any ideas?? I got two pics thats it but one is nice. I let me dealer put it in his showroom for now.
With Windows, run the "Paint" program.
Load up your picture.
Click on "Image" and scroll down to "Strech/Skew" and click it.
Change the size of the picture by reducing the percentage values for both horizontal and vertical equally. Perhaps use 50% in these boxes and click "OK".
Click on "File" and click on "Save as"...then change file name and click "Save".

The pics should now be small enough to be uploaded.

Do it now! ;):D I want to see these pics.
Re: problem posting the pics.

jedwards89 said:
Sorry guys the photos i took are too big for the site. any ideas?? I got two pics thats it but one is nice. I let me dealer put it in his showroom for now.

Right click filenames of picture(s) you want to use. Select "Send To - Mail Recipient" and a snall window will pop up asking if you want to resize the pictures for email. Click on the "Show mmore Options" and Select "Large" then OK. Then click the "Make My pictures smaller button" and then OK again. This will automatically load your email program and attach smaller versions of your photos that will meet the TY upload reqs. Send the email to yourself or to a fellow TY member for uploading.

This is the quickest way and will maintain the original aspect ratio of the pictures.
