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Polaris Xtra 10 install?


TY 4 Stroke God
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
Has anybody installed a late 90's Xtra 10 rear suspension into a Vector? I'm curious what type of problems I'd be up against? Reason I'm considering it is because:
1. I want to put a 136" track on my Vector.
2. I already have the Xtra 10 rear suspension. It came with the factory rails set up for a 136 and has Fox shocks.
3. I do not want to use rail extensions on my stock Vector skid frame. I don't trust the strength and because they don't more the rear arm mount further back, it will ride soft do to the increased leverage. I'm already running some stiff rear springs.

I've never ridden an Xtra 10 for any length of time so I don't know if it is worth the effort or not? My other alternative is a used M-10 but that will cost quite a bit of money.
Extra 10 is nothing compared to the Edge, its like early 90's technology. I wouldn't do it. I have a edge for sale that rides about 95% as good as the M10 and is fractions on the dollar. Its only a 121" though. I have never head of extensions breaking and any 136" will require some suspension adjustments, including heavier springs and maybe even a revalve.
extra 10 isnt worth the time. if your goin to switch skids like said above go to an edge skid or the newer IQ ski or the IQ racer skid a little more rugged.
Good deal, thanks for the replies. I've not ridden an xtra 10 since 2000 or so and I remember it rode like a rock but the sled was set up for a guy who weighed 250+. I didn't realize the Edge rear skid was different.

The more people I talk to seem to have good opinions with the M-10 as long as you take the time to set it up for your riding style. I wasn't sure if the M-10's performance was as dramatically better than stock nowadays as it used to be over OEM in the early to mid 90's?
No problems using rail extensions. I have extended my 121 skid to 136 on my turbo sled, I'm running it at 285 HP and ride ungroomed trails all winter having no problems with the rail extensions. If you ever going to buy a rail extension go with the ones made by www.tracksusa.com their extensions are the best in the industry IMO.
You have as good or better skid in there already, I had a brain fart once and bought a XLT Special with an extra 12 in it thinking the ride would be the best. It sucked, good sled but didnt care at all for the skid, no transfer whatsoever, massive amounts of kick back or rebound only time it really rode good was riding double.
The reason I brought this up is because I priced out converting my stock 121 to a 144 using all Yamaha parts and it is cost prohibitive. The fricking Yamaha rails are over $200 a piece. They don't offer a 136 in the Vector style skid.

I know some people have had good experiences with rail extensions and swear by them but I do not care for the concept for my riding style and application. A rail extension off the back of a 121 effectivly lengthens only the rear portion of the rails and adds a lot more leverage on the skid then for what it was designed. I'm already running really stiff rear springs and wouldn't want to increase the loads on the rear arm with even stiffer springs if they are even available. On most factory produced long tracks, the rear arm mounts are moved further back on both the tunnel and rails. This reduces the amount of leverage the rails have on the rest of the skid frame.

I'm now seroiusly considering a used 136 style M-10 I can get for a decent price. I just wish I knew if it will be dramatic improvement over stock? Seems like OEM technology has caught up with and passed the M-10 is certain aspects.
We placed an M-10 136" in my buds old 2000 XC-SP in place of an extra 10... the difference is unreal.

BTW, I have the stock 136" skid from my Rage, low miles in good shape. Offers? Shipping might be a deal killer....
I talked to my dealer about the xtra 10 idea and while it can be done, it sounds like a PITA. I'm going to start a new thread about the M-10 suspension. Thanks for the offer on the Rag skid but I'm not interested in either the mono or the pro-action.

I appriciate everyones input!
