Rear Seat Torcs screw Solution....

I hear ya but seats have been stolen at stops, not something I want to risk myself.

I take my seat in with me to prevent this from happening. lol
Once we have snow you guys are not going to be worried about if we need a bolt in the seat or not or what type it should be.. You guys are funny.. :) I'm laughing with you not at you.

This is why I have always loved Yamaha. Those poo and doo guys are talking on their forums about how to rebuilt there motors or a serious mechanical issue and we talk about a seat bolt! Love it

And yeah, I will probably be switching both vipers seat bolts for some kinda thumb screw to...
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Yep seat screws and E helmet jacks stressing me out!!!! LOL

And trying to pick the right wrap for my tunnel! lol
The EVO kit I just got is a dzus fastener for the seat and looks great even if it was a little pricey. After install of the whole kit I can remove hood or seat without tools.
is there any Engineers on here that can chime in?? We need to figure out this seat screw problem. get some blue prints and figure out the right Metallurgy for the seat screw. make sure its strong enough for the job. we dont want the seat to fly off and possibly eject the rider and cause a big accident.

I agree lets make a task force, committe................whats really funny is I do want to order the thumb screw.........I quess if there is something better available we Yamaha snowmobilers will be all over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you have some better pics of the fasteners installed?

I will as soon as I put it on, but basically you grind off old seat nut and rivet on dzus fastener nut. As I used the heck out of dzus when stock car racing I like this idea.
I wonder about using one of the fasteners like they used for the black rear console. Kind of like a dzus style with a clip nut.
I bought and put on EVO kit on both our sleds, now I can remove the hood or seat without tools. The 50 bucks a kit was worth it as I did not have to scrounge up any parts even the rivets for the seat connector came in the kit.
I bought and put on EVO kit on both our sleds, now I can remove the hood or seat without tools. The 50 bucks a kit was worth it as I did not have to scrounge up any parts even the rivets for the seat connector came in the kit.
I missed that Evo kit can you send me a link or where to find them thanks Release Tool Fasteners Viper&ie=UTF8&refinementHistory=subjectbin&searchNodeID=5145831011&searchPage=1&searchRank=salesrank&searchSize=12

The kit I got was upgraded from the one in the pic, mine had bolts with wing heads and seat was dzus fastener

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