Rear Seat Torcs screw Solution....

I always thought you had a screw loose.....
Thought I did when I saw it gone. Remembered this thread right away and I try to be a man of my word. Zip tie is theft proof anyway. Doubt the idiots that steal carry a pocket knife or even own tools! Must be that Karma thing. Never should have talked about the knob. Now I bet all of us that did will lose them!
The washer welded into the slot of a flat head M6 x 1 screw is the ticket. Added a thin plastic washer and it's perfect.
I got a big 1/4” stainless fender washer bent the opposite sides up forming “ears”, and welded it under the factory bolt head. Easy to remove with gloves on. I removed the little latch tab too, well broke it off..... trying to bend it for more expandable tunnel bag clearance. The bent ears on the washer make a nice flat area to prevent rub through on the Bag. Not as pretty as a 15$ machined finger screw, but it works well and is compact.
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this wasnt a good idea...not the right thread pitch...i now have 2 useless knobs
My sincere apologies on this follow on post. I ordered these 2 based on the original posting following the USA listing for the recommended knobs. I think it's deleted as if not Admin please delete my post and the original.
