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removing coupler blocks pros and cons....


Nov 27, 2014
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
Nytro xtx
I was wondering if I remove the coupling blocks what effect will this have on the sled will it damage the wheels, will it rub, will it make the suspension more cushy!!!

What effect will it have? Will it tear up rear suspension. Has anyone one done this?
I have had mine out for 3500 miles and counting and it has not done any damage to my sled. If you like to pull wheelies this is the way to do it. Some might argue that it will make the sled push in corners but in my opinion as long as you are not accelerating in the corner it doesn't make any difference. I say take them out and try it, worst case scenario you put them back in and it cost you nothing.
I have had mine out for 3500 miles and counting and it has not done any damage to my sled. If you like to pull wheelies this is the way to do it. Some might argue that it will make the sled push in corners but in my opinion as long as you are not accelerating in the corner it doesn't make any difference. I say take them out and try it, worst case scenario you put them back in and it cost you nothing.
Did you remove everything or just the blocks off the bar?
I have a ltx, took the blocks out made a huge difference in weight transfer . Hooks up now, where before it would just spin.
