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Ripsaw 2, how much of a difference between 1.25 and 1.5


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Mar 27, 2021
Reaction score
Buffalo MN
19 tcat, 15 4000 RR, 13 800 RR
Coming from a tcat with a 1" ripsaw. Never seem to have any traction, even with 4 studs/bar Friend has 1.25 takeoff that looks fine and is a good price.

I primarily trail ride in almost all conditions and have always wondered if the extra 1/4" is a big improvement.
Coming from a tcat with a 1" ripsaw. Never seem to have any traction, even with 4 studs/bar Friend has 1.25 takeoff that looks fine and is a good price.

I primarily trail ride in almost all conditions and have always wondered if the extra 1/4" is a big improvement.
I would say yes it's a big improvement, me personaly going from the rip2 1.25 inch to the rip2 1.50 inch was a huge diffrence, more forward thrust no matter the snow conditions.
The 1.25 is much better than the 1.0 and 1.50 is even better for snow. Unless you are doing speed runs, a one inch is not as useful for most of us. I used to give my tracks a haircut and shave them then put the longest stud I could fit. Not useful 90% of the time LOL.
Every riders conditions are different. But I would say when I went to a 1.6" track my odometer started counting miles more similar to my GPS. And speed was more accurate. I can only assume it was due to less track spin. Seat of the pants feel agreed. Amazing improvement in loose snow and ditches for sure! Without sacrificing much on the hardpack if studded or pre-studded.
Thus the reason Winders and T-cats came with a 1" track, and the 1.5/1.6 is the perfect trail track. There is hardly a trail rider around that won't trade 3-5mph off the top end to get more power to the snow from 0-60mph in most conditions.

I open my sled up on a well ridden lake probably twice a year. But we run most of our riding from 0-70 on trails.
I am one of those that won’t trade it. I love the fact that with the 1” I am able to still slide the rear a little to set into a corner like the old days. I am easy off the throttle so as not to tear up the trail or my track!
