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Running on 2 cylinders

vent hoses are not kinked, I have the clear lines off so its just the black elbow and they are clear. I drained the bowls on the 03 when this first started happening and it was equal in the amount of gas in each one. I plan on putting it fully together, airbox and everything and trying to adjust the throttle cable and see if it fixes the problem. It has to be something stupid simple that i'm over looking. If it starts to snow i'm gonna be pissed..2 rx1's and can't ride either of them.
they dont like to run very well without a filter of some sort, @ least mine runs like crap without the k & n's on.
Put your air box back on and then try it these sleds dont like running with no air box.
I hear an echo, it seems to be coming from the north. lol

Thunder, please tell us that the air cleaner has been on the whole time, or did we just have a 3 page post for nothing.
The airbox was on the first few times I tried it on the 03. I did find the small o-ring missing under one of the black caps on top of the carb on the 03. Ordered that and will put it back together and give it a try as soon as I get that o-ring. I think it may have been that at first and when it ran the same with the airbox on or off I left it off the next few times I tried. As soon as I get it I'll give them a try.
RX1 carbs

I just cleaned the carbs on my 03. Before i cleaned them, the sled was only running on 2 cylinders. Same thing after I cleaned the carbs. i did not separate the carbs, just pulled the bowls and cleaned the jets so as to not interrupt the synch.

Finally swapped the fuel lines to get gas to the other two cylinders and then shot carb cleaner through the fuel pump that wasn't supplying enough gas.

Runs great now. Just need some snow. Probably wont get to ride this year.
Yeah, I finally did. It was the combination of a few things. All dumb and over looked on my part. Goes to show sometimes you need to just walk away for a while. One of the black caps on top of the carb was not seated completely, also I was not running it with the airbox and the throttle cable was adjusted too tight. Its running good now. My only issue is compared to my 05 with the monoshock this "no-action" suspension is not hooking up at all. I think my shocks are also shot. But at least the engine is back to normal, I should say, I figured out my stupid mistakes..
