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Rx 1 oil problem...blown up?


Jun 4, 2008
Looking for some input here. Took out sled and stalled...when went to restart engine turned over slowly. Took it back to the shop and noticed that the oil tank had filled up right to the top. Took the drain plug out and only got about a couple ounces of motor oil. Any ideas what went on here? thanks


How can you get 2 ounces of oil out of a full oil tank that holds about a gallon?
A few ounces out of the engine base is the normal amount.

What was in the oil tank? All oil?

did it have less in it when you checked it earlier?

Did you change the oil yourself?
Ya posting for a friend...but as I understand the tank was full right to the top. And I think that he did change the oil himself and was more than before.
I am thinking about the strainer at the bottom of the tank, is it totally blocked/plugged up?
How was it changed, normally you drain it all etc from bottom of engine, remove and clean inline strainer at tank bottom, replace and add 2 liters to tank (engine drain plug in first) run engine slow, maybe 2-5 minutes, and recheck and top of oil tank. If too full, engine might hydraulic , hard to turn over.
On the hose that comes out of the bottom of the tank. There are two Allen head screws that need to be removed and then the entire hose with the screened strainer comes out for cleaning.
