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Rx-1 warrior front spring pre-load..


Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Since I experience too much ski-lift while cornering, would it be better to increase or decrease the front spring pre-load?

I adjusted the control rods on the rear suspension to increase the weight transfer to the skis and that seemed to make a noticeable difference(not enough, but noticeable). I adusted the nut so that it was higher on the control rod(showing less of the rings on the bar). Now there is only one ring showing above the nut.

I think adjusting the pre-load on then skis should help as well, but I have conflicting information. Some say increase the spring pre-load( with the idea of pushing the ski harder into the running surface). Others say less pre-load so the center of gravity is lower, thus handeling the turns better(doesn't sound quite right?)

Whats the consensus on this?
Pre- load adjustment for front warrior springs

I have run into the same situation as you.So much imformation and so many variable makes it even more confusing, on which adjustment to make on this sled.I stopped at a local dealer today and he recommended
tightening the front preload 2 turns to help with the body roll.He also recommended tightening the limiter straps,about a half inch.I count 11 threads on the top of adjuster.I did this and set the skis on some cedar boards to simulate hard packed snow.It feels like a improvement on the ski pressure.He also suggested to adjust the control rods to tighten the gap.to help transfer weight to the skis.I did this adjustment until you see the red paint then brought it back to cover the paint.I have yet to test these adjustments yet.I did put 160 miles on last week and mixed feels on the handling, I would rate it as good but I need to tweak it for my body weight.Good luck. :)
If you crank down the front shocks you then must tighten the limiters. If you loosen the front shocks loosen the limiters. They kinda work together & either way will help but with a slight difference in weight transfer.
