Front skid shock spring


Building a collection one sled at a time
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
New Brunswick
2019 SRX
Can someone chime in here with the installed length for the front skid shock spring? I had a stiffer ELKA spring last year and it was too much. I couldn't get enough weight on the skis,so I'm going back to the original one for now. I saw an older thread with a Cat part number for a stiffer spring that I may try, but want to see if I can get the handling back to somewhere better than it was.
Just my opinion but your spring is not your issue. The correct way to get more ski pressure is by pulling your limiter strap up. The spring retainer should only be tightened a turn or two from loose. Using the spring for ski pressure is so backwards, defeats the purpose of how that spring needs to work. I have ditched the factory limiter straps for an adjustable limiter strap from Trac Link. So easy to make a simple adjustment based on a trail condition for ski pressure.
Not sure what your Yammy has for a spring, but my Tcat has a dual rate spring that works good for me.
I'll look up the specs if you'd like.
Just my opinion but your spring is not your issue. The correct way to get more ski pressure is by pulling your limiter strap up. The spring retainer should only be tightened a turn or two from loose. Using the spring for ski pressure is so backwards, defeats the purpose of how that spring needs to work. I have ditched the factory limiter straps for an adjustable limiter strap from Trac Link. So easy to make a simple adjustment based on a trail condition for ski pressure.
Agreed Denny, stiffer spring for reduced ski pressure
I'm putting the stock spring back on my '19 SRX and would like to have the installed length of it.My service manual makes no mention of that measurement.
If you weigh more than 240 dressed, the 160/260 spring works well.
Wish they had a dual rate spring in-between the 90-250 and 160-260.
I just put that 160-260 spring in my LTX Sidewinder. It is actually shorter than the stock spring by about an inch. Got to ride about 50 miles Saturday and I noticed it felt a little more lively than before only running about 2 turns from loose so far. There is another spring from stingray which I have in my viper which may be in between but don't know personally.
