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rx1 no start

Don Buzinsky said:
where is the battery on this thing? my manual hasn't come yet.

Here, get the entire service manual for your 03 RX-1 in PDF format here free. The link is at the bottom, left click to open and then save it to your computer using the save button on the top left.
How do you test the solenoid? Is this a common problem?

I am having the same problem, and this is the only thread I found that has the same symptoms....
i think you check the battery and ground connections and the connections to the solenoid. if they are all good we have to replace the solenoid.(at least that's what i'm going to do)
Is the battery fully charged? Did you load test it? Did you check the Main Fuse? Are all of the involved connections clean? You can test connections by measuring voltage across them. If you see a voltage across a connection, it is bad. After doing all this, then I would consider buying a relay. After all, it is clicking. There is just no power getting to the starter.
No Problem. I have one of those kind of "projects" going on too. About a week left and I'll be done with it.
How cold was it? I had this problem to, I warm mine up and it fires right away
