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(Season 08-09)TY Mileage- tkuss

I just got done with a great weekend, I finally put on some big trail miles (about 400) while still getting some boondocking in.

Friday afternoon I decided to make a loop from Three Lakes to St. Germain and back. The trails were still in good shape considering we haven't had any major new snow accumalation in weeks, maybe even a month. There is still only about a foot base on the ground. The trails are starting to wear down to the ground in areas, corners are where things are the worst.

Here I am just getting back to Three Lakes when the sun is going down.

We had quite a day planned for Saturday, the plan was to trailer to Land O Lakes, which is on the Wisconsin/Michigan border, then ride to Houghton (over 100 miles away), meet up with a friend, ride with him for the afternoon, then head back all in one day.

We got up at 6 in the morning to leave in the truck, we hit the trails with sleds at about 7:30. We went through Watersmeet, Bruce Crossing and then made our way by the Ontonagon River vally,

Once getting past this point the lake effect snow really kicks in. The snow depth goes from 20" of snow or so on the ground to 40-50" of snow in only a few miles distance.

We made our way past Mass City and over the Firesteel Bridges for the 3rd or 4th time this year.


Here is a good shot to show the amount of snow in the area.

My cousin and I finally got to Houghton and meet up with a friend of ours at M&M motorsports.

I thought this was nice extended Nytro, so I took a picture of it.

Our friend Shane took us on some of the local club trails which led right past a few meadows, which we carved up for a bit and then took a break.

I should also mention that the temps were mid 30's all day, so the snow was very set up and was not powder which was to bad because on Monday Houghton got 20" of snow in a period of 10 hours or so.

The club trails were awesome. They were very narrow and had big rolling bumps on them so you could launch off each one. The ZX-2 performed excellent.

We drove by Lake Linden.

We then headed south into South Range, and checked out South Range Hill.

One guy tried to climb it on an XTX and did not make it because there are huge 3' icy ruts near the top, and once you hit those you lose all speed and traction. I give him credit because at least he had enough balls to try it, which is more than I can say for myself.

We then headed a bit more south to check out an area off trail that I wanted to last time when I had the phazer up there, but due to the deep powder the phazer was not able to make it up a small hill so we had to turn around. Now with the snow all set up it was nice and easy to make it up. Once we got past the spot where the phazer got stuck it was all untouched, but also very narrow.

Unfortunatly we found out that the trail only went on a few hundred feet farther and then dead ended. But one of my favorite things to do is just ride right throught the woods with no trail around, so we kept going. We then ran right into a nice huge swamp that was all untouched, so we carved it up.



From there we could also get onto a larger swamp/meadow than no one has been on or probably even knows about.

It was great finding these areas, because now everytime I head up there I know where I can find some huge areas of deep snow that will all be untouched and waiting for me.

We did have a little problem getting back out from the swamps though, there was small hill that the Apex just could get up because of some bad decisions and driving by me. So we spent a long time trying to get it up the small hill.

At that point I was really wishing I had my track extended with the larger lug on. Finally I just reversed the sled back down the hill, so I could get a little run at it. I shot right up it leaving the other sleds behind.

We then parted ways with Shane and headed back to Land O Lakes. We ended up with 270 miles for the day. The Apex was getting about 14 mpg all day. At one point I made it 110 miles without the gas light coming on.

Today (Sunday) was the perfect day to ride. It was 32 degrees and Sunny.

I rode about 35 miles, on some of the unplowed roads in the area since the trails are taking a beating wherever the sun hits them. It doesn't get much better.

I went down what is a hiking path in the summer for a few hundred yards along a lake.

I then headed back and called it a weekend.

The Apex with the ZX-2 set on the stiffest setting, is brutally stiff on the 1 foot stutter bumps that I experienced for many miles in the U.P yesterday. I was definitely not bottoming out at all so I am going to turn down the preload a few settings to get it a bit more comfortable. Also it has a lot of inside ski lift which I think has to due with the high rear preload settings. I will adjust and see what differences I notice. The sled took a heck of a beating on Saturday since the trails were never smooth in any of the 270 miles we did, there was literally 10-20 inch stutter bumps for 50% of ride Saturday. But the sled held together and is still running great. Also gas mileage was a bit above normal, could be due to the warm weather, or perhaps because the donuts were just replaced.

Next week we pick up the Nytro and break it in. Don't know where we are going to ride yet since this warm spell has come and is going to stay around for a few days, hopefully we get some snow late week.

Friday we picked up the New Nytro.



Make sure you take a good look at it, because it doesn’t stay that nice for long. We head out on the trails Friday night to just get a feel for the new sled and end up having to ride the forest and logging roads since we had a huge melt down this last week which took away half of our 1 foot base leaving the trails very icy and in poor condition. Luckily we got about an inch of new snow making riding the trails possible. I found a pond hidden way back in the woods last week so we checked it out. Notice how slushy the pond is from the warm temps last week.

On the way back, my dad hit an icy corner and ran into a tree with Nytro with only 22 miles on it. Luckily he must have been going slow and only the bumper was pushed back and was the only thing damaged. Didn’t get any pictures of the damage, but check out the bumper in the upcoming pictures.

Saturday we headed to the U.P in search of snow covered trails to break in the Nytro. The plan was to trailer to Mass City and then make our way to the tip of the Keweenaw, Copper Harbor.

Right away the trails were excellent and my dad was loving the Nytro.


We drove up through Houghton and since I had such a great time on them last weekend, we took the local club trails again.


This time we were on them for about 30 miles and they were pretty rough, so we were glad to get back onto the state trails.

From there we headed up to Gay Michigan and for a short stretch rode the trail that is on the beach of Lake Superior.


The sleds are still getting to know each other.

We stopped at Gay Bar to eat, but it seemed like it would take quite a bit till we got any food, so we kept on riding on to Copper Harbor.

Here we are a few miles away from Copper Harbor on the trail that rides up on Brockway Mountain. Lake Superior is on one side and the other is all forest.






The small town of Copper Harbor.

We just grabbed something to quick to eat at the General Store and started heading back to the truck.

Here we are heading back with the Cliff Range in front and to the right of us.

Coming back through Hancock/Houghton.

A bit more south there was 3 or 4 inches of fresh snow the day before making the riding really nice.

We then arrived at Mass City and headed back.

The Nytro RTX is awesome. As you can see from the pictures we put the Simmons skis from the Phazer on the Nytro and they make the Nytro and absolute pleasure to drive. Absolutely no darting, the track never sways back and forth and the handling is incredible. (To bad the skis are blue anybody want to trade yellow for blue simmons?). I haven’t driven many new sleds (as in none of current models), but so far the Nytro is the only one I would trade the Apex for. The suspension is very firm. The floats are much stiffer than the Apex’s, even at 60psi. I think that is also one of the reasons it handles so well because one side doesn’t dip way down we turning. We bumped the rear suspension preload blocks up to the high setting and I raised the compression on both rear shocks 4 clicks after feeling like it bottomed out a few times on Fridays short ride. This setup it felt like it never came close to bottoming out. I also wanted to increase the rebound but did not know which way to turn it to increase it. The motor is awesome, anywhere from 0-70mph is better on the Nytro than the Apex in my opinion. The power out of the hole is amazing and just plain fun. The only thing was wrong with the Nytro was that it ratcheted severely in deep snow when gunning it from a stop, on the trail it never ratcheted. The track is very loose though, so we will tighten it up and it should all be good.

I think I am pretty critical of certain things and am not easily impressed, but this Nytro really impressed me. It is just flat out fun to ride. The handling was awesome, which I think had a lot to do with the Simmons skis. With more miles put on it we may think it is to stiff and I may try to soften it up while keeping the awesome anti-bottoming characteristics it now has, but for now we appreciate the firm ride. I can’t wait to get some more miles in on it and fine tune it a bit more.

The Apex is still running good, it is a bit squeaky and the bars have an inch of play, but it is holding together and running awesome. 8700 miles and I am still on my second belt! I bumped down the preload 2 settings on the ZX-2 in the Apex making it much smoother and yet very hard to bottom. I think I am going to keep it set there. Now I may play around with the revolver settings a bit and see what I like.
Yesterday my dad and I went for a big trail ride from Three Lakes to Lake Gogebic MI, to Hurley WI, and back. All said it was 260 miles for the day. Leaving Three Lakes, the trails were in O.K condition. They were icy with not much snow on them and a few rocks starting to show up on the surface. However the more north we got, the nicer the trails got.

We made our way through Conover, Land O Lakes, Watersmeet, and filled up in Bruce Crossing.

We then hit 20 miles of railroad grade to Bergland MI.

We ate lunch at my favorite place(so far) to eat in the U.P, the Root Cellar, which is right on Lake Gogebic.

For those who don't know the area, Lake Gogebic is a huge lake. Roughly 1-3 miles wide and 20 miles long I would say. Here we are cruising over it.

At this point the trails were in Excellent condition since we were in the Lake Superior Snowbelt. Near Wakefield we were having a little wheelie contest. Only have pictures of the Nytro.



The area is full of big rock cliffs and formations which make the scenery while riding that much better.


We headed over to Hurley and started heading back to Three Lakes. Here we are northwest of Minocqua. As you can see the trails were started to degrade in condition again.


From there we headed back and ended the day. It was a nice day of riding, nothing broke and we didn't crash.

We then changed the oil on the Nytro that night for the 500 mile break in, and let me say it is a piece of cake. The hardest part is taking the panels of, even though I guess that is all you have to do. It sure is nice the oil filter is right there and you don't have to go taking everything apart to find it.

We rode about 20 miles today and when putting the sleds away I noticed that my track is shot.


The whole left side looks like that, as in every 4 clips or so the track is ripped, torn and worn right through the fiberglass rods, as well as missing a few lugs. I have 8000 miles on the track in the not so greatest snow conditions, so it is to be expected that is wear out sooner or later. However from now on I can say that all the tracks I buy for the sled are going to be fully clipped. I think if the track were fully clipped it would still be in good condition.

So it looks like the Apex is done for the year. I have the new track sitting on the sled now along with the parts I need to extend it, but I don't feel like learning how to change and extend the track in the few short weeks left of the riding year, so I am just going to leave it for summer when I can take my time and not be rushed. I plan on doing a pretty complete overhaul of the sled and want to do it right. There are a few more weekends of riding left, I will not be riding this next weekend, the weekend after we will see and then the weekend and week after that I am participating in the Clean Snowmobile Challenge held in Houghton MI, where it looks like I will have to bring the Nytro instead of the Apex up there to have a sled to ride.

I was really wanting to get over 10,000 miles on the sled by the end of the year, which I could of easily gotten. Instead it looks like I will have to settle for 9367 miles and wait till next year for the big 10,000 mile mark.

When I get some more time, I may write up a end of year review for the Apex as well as the ZX-2, and will post it here. Also I was thinking of what my sled would look like all blacked out. So I did a little crappy photoshop work and this is what I came up with. The hood to me looks a bit dull all black, I am thinking some dark ghost flames on the hood would be exactly what I need. Maybe this summer?


Only have 1 picture this week. I probably did about 50 miles for the whole weekend, and I had to take it easy because of my track. The temps were 45 degrees and sunny both Friday and Saturday, it was great sledding in those temps. The snow was melting, the trails for the most part were shot so we stuck to logging roads on Friday. Saturday it was warm enough that the lakes had a inch of water/slush on the top, so it was just enough to lube the hyfax and keep the engine cool.

Here is the picture on Saturday when we cruised the lakes.

Today I drove home in a Blizzard most of the way. I don't think northern Wisconsin got any snow, if they did it most likely wont be much. Central Wisconsin was getting pounded as I was driving through. There were snowflakes the size half dollars!

March 16-22 I will be up in Houghton at the Clean Snowmobile Competition. I am bringing the Nytro up, so I should be able to squeeze a few rides every here and there.
I am now back from a fun week up in Houghton at the Clean Snowmobile competition.

There were probably 16 or so sleds up there. Here is a shot on opening day,




and diesels took place in the competition, along with electric sleds.

I am a member of the UW-Platteville team.


We ran a two-stroke 600 SDI for our engine. This year all engines had to be flex fuel compatible, meaing they could run on either E-85 or regular pump gas. Our sled used a catalytic converter that when warmed up got red hot.

For more info/results on the competition check this site http://www.mtukrc.org/snowmobile.htm or feel free to ask me any questions as well.


While up in houghton I probably put on about 300 miles or so. Many of our team members brought there sleds up as well.

Only one other Yamaha though that can be seen over the two-stroke side.

A few days we drove our sled up to competition.

The first few days it was warm, hitting near 60 one day. No bibs or jackets were required.


We found some off trail and tore it up pretty quick.

One day we drove up to Copper Harbor and the trails were excellent.






Here is a pic of South Range Hill.

And here is a picture from up top.

Looks like I am done sledding for the year, unless the U.P gets some decent snow in April. I would like to ride in April once just so I can say I did it.

The Nytro is a great trail sled, it has 900 miles or so on it now. The rear suspension is an awesome big bump suspension. Off trail however, I can't through it around/balance it like I can my Apex.

I am excited for summer when I extend the Apex.

Next year I am thinking I am not going to do this mileage thread, instead I will just do a picture thread.

Overall, it was another awesome snowmobile year.
Thanks I really appreciated the pic's and descriptions. Good work

Nice photos with a diverse mix of experiences. Very interesting, and educational.

Good job and thanks for sharing!

Have a great summer! ;)!
