Set my LTX Up for Powder

Maybe yamadog will chime in..he is looking to get his xtx to handle like an ltx..maybe u and him could work something out

Sorry missed this have been super busy!!! wish I would have seen this before I ordered the new rear shock and coupling system for my XTX! I would have been interested in swaping driver track and skid for an LTX. Mine is a bit un-nerving with 9#'s of boost going down the trail it pulls the skis 12" on launch then at 40 starts to lift the nose to close to 3' if your not careful it wants to stand on the tail out to 100 mph.

I put shorter limiter straps on it, undid the front shock to no tension on the spring and now there is so much nose weight you cannot get it to turn. And the arm pump is drastic. The last ride of the season on it last year we did almost 300 miles on Saturday and Sunday felt like I was on the losing end of a bull riding session. Thank Gosh the handwarmers and dash pod failed so I had excuse to ride the Pro R 800 which ended badly with 2 cracked ribs. I probably would have totalled the Viper Had I been on it. (I did total the A/C I hit- Long Story):o|
