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Skid plate?


TY 4 Stroke Master
Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
Northern Iowa
2017 Yamaha Sidewinder Rtx Le 2012 Yamaha Vector Ltx
You guys that are actually seeing these Sidewinders is a skid plate going to be needed to protect the brake rotor and chain case area ? Thanks
I was curious if Yamaha did any reinforcing underneath from the factory to protect the belly.
wast of money! been riding for 15 years plus no skid plate for me or anybody in are group of 10 plus guys! stay on the trails no problems.
wast of money! been riding for 15 years plus no skid plate for me or anybody in are group of 10 plus guys! stay on the trails no problems.
Up until a few years ago, I might have agreed and said they were for looks only. I had an unfortunate incident when I had my RX-1 while on a trail. There was a larger rock underneath the snow that only the top was exposed and I didn’t see it (wasn't even going fast either. ) My ski hit it first pulling it out of the ground more. It struck underneath the sled, and pulled me to the side of the trail onto the edge. As it got to the edge it tipped and dumped me off going into a tree. This wasn't even 10 minutes into a 4 day trip. Dented the belly pan, broke the nose of the hood, and put me in a bad mood. A skid plate would've at least protected the belly pan more and may have absorbed more of the impact. May not have stopped the whole thing, but 1 less thing would have been broke.
I am from Iowa and it takes a lot of snow to make for good trails and most storms have wind which fills our ditches so we get a lot of opportunities to pound them fluffy ditches so I wouldn't be caught without a skid protector. Yes if I just stayed on groomed trails I wouldn't need a protector but that's like asking me to drive slow it ain't going to happen.
From what Ive seen the brake disc and chaincase hang down below just like the Vipers.
I know you can't really see it in the picture, but that's what I saw as well.
On past sleds - some I ran with a skid plate, and some not. For those that I ran a plate, it seemed I never needed it. But on those that I didn't, I ended up hitting something and wished I had it .... go figure o_O

I do venture into the off-trail from time to time, but mostly stick to the trails. My last encounter with a rock (see Rock-It Man video from the 2016 Manitoba ride), the rock I hit was only a foot or two of the side of the trail. Well within the area that many people park slightly off trail to chat, take a wizz, eat a candy bar, etc....
On past sleds - some I ran with a skid plate, and some not. For those that I ran a plate, it seemed I never needed it. But on those that I didn't, I ended up hitting something and wished I had it .... go figure o_O

I do venture into the off-trail from time to time, but mostly stick to the trails. My last encounter with a rock (see Rock-It Man video from the 2016 Manitoba ride), the rock I hit was only a foot or two of the side of the trail. Well within the area that many people park slightly off trail to chat, take a wizz, eat a candy bar, etc....

I saw it and can still see it in my mind.....he's at the edge of the trail in the loose snow... what -the sled is launched toward the sky, skis way up and then he is off and a BIG rock now totally exposed..... happen in a snap now these turbo sleds can lift the skis at will but jump into the air on flat land that is a trick! Oh you need a BIG stinking rock for that trick.

Still glad you and your sled are OK. LOL Yamadoo
Had to leave a sled in Chibougamau Quebec one year because of no skid plate. Could have bought a dozen of them for what it cost to go back and get it. Oh by the way he was on the the trail.
I've been hung up off trailing, and when I got off the get it out, a stump was holding me up.... exactly where the oil filter would be.

For what they do and the money it costs for a plate, it's a friggin' no brainer. For no other reason than to keep from ruining a ride.
From what I can gather the underside is the same as the sr viper. My heavy duty access panels that I make for the viper should also work on the sidewinder.

I also have a heavy duty full skid plate/belly pan in the works similar to the one I make for the nytros.

i always view skid plates as an extra insurance policy. I would guess at least 50% of sleds I get in have evidence of contact on belly pan. It happens more than some think. Oil is the life of the four stroke. Cracking an oil pan just isn't worth chancing!
For my experience on the viper..... Skid plate ia the FIRST thing i am gona put on my SW
I am still up in the air about it,ya I had the 13 procross turbo from cat,and after hearing all the horror stories from my dealer on all the damage,well I had them install one,ya it was a plastic one from cat,and a pain in the butt to do anything on the sled from underneath when needed to work on,but I had a piece of mind when riding,than I traded in for an apex xtx and never did put one on it,heck I never even studded it,but wish I had,was a bitch getting out of my cold garage,once you brought in a warm sled,and let it cool all night,had water all over the floor,so all studded sleds just drove out nice and easy like,mine would all most burn the belt spinning the track,in both directions trying to get traction enough to get it going,so this sled studs and maybe a skid plate to.
