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Sled Ordered...L-TX-DX


Dec 27, 2013
Just sent off the email to the sales manager

Black L-TX-DX
- 3yr extended warranty
- studded
- goggle bag
- changing the stock bag for the expandable tunnel bag

To be honest this is the first new toy I have ever purchased, I'm nervous but excited. Normally I let the first guy take the hit but figured it was my time to take the depreciation. I have been dealing back and forth here and there for almost a month with the same dealer and I'm assuming they found a buyer for one or both of my trades (Nytro and Ranger) because they met me in the middle and I'm glad they did. Anyhow, I hope to have many trouble free miles on this thing....and even moreso, I hope I get to ride it this year...lol

Happy Valentines Day to me I guess!!!

Congratulations! A couple learning curve items to pass on. Dump the original carbide/bars the 4" carbide is pretty useless. Most friends are riding with 6" dual or even 8"s, my dealer recommended dual 6", and folks on here also recommended dual 6". I am going to stud for next season and wish I had done it already. I had to go over my stock setup and drastically change it to make it rideable on trails. But, now that I have it near dialed in, I'm happy with the handling. Smart studding right away. Now that I have the setup dialed in to run trails pretty decent, I miss the studded track I had on previous sleds. I added Skilz knee pads. I find that I'm often up on the front of the sled getting through turns with my knees right on the cowl. The pads make it easy and save my knees from getting banged up. Other pads might work fine too, I'm happy with the Skilz pads. I did notice the skis are set with the spacer on the outside making it narrower that the ski stance can be. I'm going to switch the spacer and go to a 1" wider ski stance. I did notice 2 new 2015 Vipers at the dealer and both had the skis set on the narrow setting. I think I'll prefer the wider stance/stability for trails and I have room on the trailer for the wider stance.

So I hope you get some snow wherever you are located Ohio I assume? I guess you have to live in New England this year to get the snow.

I get a lot of compliments on the Black, I'm sure you will also. Enjoy!
Thank you sir....going to at least get one trip on the stock setup to get a starting point and go from there. Pretty excited to see it all come together!!!
Do NOT be me. When you get your sled, jack the front end up and throw away the cheap trash excuse Yamaha uses for carbide/bars and put some decent quality carbide/bars on. Here's a picture of the YAMAHA stock bars at 271 miles, I'm sure they were useless by 100 if not 0. I didn't listen to the experienced folks on here and took it to the point of dangerous from a steering standpoint and almost got to the point of ruining my skis. So just suggesting you give yourself a fair shot at quality riding time and dump the original stock carbide/bars before your first ride. They also suck too when new when there is carbide present, only 1-4" carbide each side, and the other is just a bar. Based on the wear on mine, I'd guess they are made from tin. I just put dual Stud Boy 6" carbides on today and changed the ski spacers to the wider stance 42 to 43". I haven't had a chance to ride it yet, but it was getting dangerous on my last ride, and looking at what's left of my original bars you can see why.


  • Viper bars at 271mi.jpg
    Viper bars at 271mi.jpg
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X2 on replacing the carbides!
I've got the exact same setup as you're getting and trust me, remove the runners that come with it and out on dual 6" at a minimum.

Other than that you're good to go!
Ok, I re-read....two separate 6" carbides, one inside and one outside for each ski (purchase 2 sets of 6" runners...4 total)....correct?
Yes, I'm running dual 6" carbide runners on each ski. With Studs, it's not unusual for folks to run 8" dual ies, or an 8" & a 6" on each ski (8 on the outside around here) for trails. I don't have the experience but based on what folks are using you may want to check out 8" carbides if studded.
I went ahead and had the dealer order Woody's 6" inside and 6" outside....sled should be ready by the end of the week.
