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rtx moose

VIP Member
Jul 31, 2014
2017 sidewinder LTX LE,2007 RTX,2000 SRX700
Yamaha revived the snosport..something new 2021..might be the catyama firecat 300cc that cat patented...or maybe japan sled

Phazer replacement maybe?
Must say that I find this very intriguing!
Part of it because I think, like many others, Yamaha needs some modern sled for the younger crowd!
But, also part of it because the name SnoSport brings very nice memories back from the past!

I still remember the day when I saw the SnoSport for the first time. This was in spring of '89.
A clear and sunny day, and snow had mostly gone away already for that winter.
I had paid a visit at my local Yama-dealer, and as always I had to go into the backyard to check the stock of used sleds.
This 1989 season we had got the 80cc SnoScoot (a very radical and great kids sled) and first I thought it was one example that was standing there on the backside...

But, something was odd looking... it didn't have the leaf-spring in front, instead it had A-arms with straight-up struts!!
And it looked bigger than the SnoScoot also!! And with a bigger engine and loaded with so many cool details!
The whole machine just screamed FUN!
And it was crazy how radical it was at that point, with its tubular frame, mc-style suspension, mc-style seat/handlebar and, also important to notice, the machine put the rider much more forward to make it easy to stand up when riding the moguls! Remember this was 14 years before Ski-Doo REV copied the rider-forward concept from SnoSport!
I was totally blown away, and I understood that I had seen the future!

For a young man, as I was in that time, the future looked very bright indeed!
And I cleary understood, that this new SnoSport was for the up-coming season '90 (swedish importer had got an example for the dealers to try) and that this was just the beginning!
In my young head, there was of course bigger models in the pipeline from Yamaha, and I was sure that we would have at least a 300cc machine, in the same style ,for the '91 season!

We all know what happened... The economic down-turn came, and sadly nothing of my future bigger models materialized... and the SnoSport 125cc just danced for a season...
And to be honest, I have of course no idea if there ever was any new and bigger cc "SnoSports" in the plans for Yamaha, but it is fun to speculate what had happened if Yamaha had continued with this rider-forward concept already in the early 90ies, and how it had affected the whole industry...

Anyway, it's about time for a new 300cc SnoSport for next season... I've waited long enough now.
Huh,your facts are correct!!!where do you work?
