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Snow Tech Long Term Test Sleds Nytro XTX

If you can't stand to ride it, it doesen't matter how good the engine is? I don't know...


they are so bias it makes me sick. the fx nytro went from beating the rev xp chassie in the sled of the year catagory to never getting mentioned unless they are ripping it apart and saying how bad and heavy it is. the real fact is that money talks bottom line and they no longer let the sleds do the talking. they will rant and rave on who gives them the most money. if i remember right everyone's precous 800r was not named as one mags sled of the year and i think that scared ski-doo so they started throwing moor money around. all my friends ride revs and the guy with the 800 went through 4 motors in 1 season no joke. and the whole weight issue to me in stupid they take dry weight and print those numbers when in reality filled with fluids the rev xp weighs allot more than you would think. and the guy with the xtx that hopes he wont regret his buy you wont i promise you got a awesome sled.
Yamaha is a Motor corp...nobody...mags or us deny they make the best motors...but sleds arent profitable to them...part is their fault for poor attention to detail and cost and weight cutting efforts etc....also..as the weight of any sled rises...the defects of a suspension become more glaring...increases geometrically....you have to work the suspensions to get the best of them...
skidoo's ...with the exception of the maybe the fourstroke and sdi motors...are not built for longevity and durability...period...to me their machines ride quality (part from being extremely light weight at the cost fo durability)help cover their poor quality ...but hey,they sell a lot of replacement parts..
look at how they double duty parts in their design...go take a doo secondary off the new xp chassis...the whole jackshaft comes with...saves weight and rides better...but at what cost...
my yamaha's have never left me in the woods...
I agree...when doo gets about three yrs and works out the bugs and has a proven record with the 4tec...yam' is out...unless they pull a rabbit out of their hat!

oh...also...my XTX cost in the 7's new...has a four yr bumper to bumper warranty...no oil to burn...good mileage... no doo or poo can compete with that..
Nice post!! ;)! If "SJ" doesn't stand for "Sweet Justice" it probably should - I couldn't agree more with your points. . . .so the Doo's are the lightest out there as they sacrifice greater durability which has been proven out on the trail - great. . . .I weigh just over 270lbs. . . .should I be worried about more weight - perhaps - but the way I look at it it's already game over. . . .why not add another 100+ lbs. . . . .what difference is it really going to make. . . . .I love the ride (even though I guess from this thread I'm not supposed to) it sounds bad a$$ and is quite economical to drive. . . .what more could a guy like me really want out of a sled
I'd like to chime in here. I was a blind Yamaha loyalist until I rode my friend's 2009 XPX Renegade E-tec. This sled flat out handles and rides alot better out of the crate than my 07 Apex RTX with hours and $$ spent on finding the perfect adjustments. In all honesty If I could afford to trade every year or even every other year I would be on a XPX Renegade 800r, they are that awesome. However, I can't afford to do that and I need a sled that is extremely reliable and Ski-doo(Execpt the 4 tec) does not fit that bill. My buddies 09 Etec blew up with 2K on the clock. My 07 RTX has 11,000 miles on it and with the exception of Y pipes and driveshaft bearings it has been flawless. Yamaha builds a quality sled, but who ever is in charge of there suspension calibrations from the factory needs to be fired. Every Yamaha I've ever ridden out of the box with no adjustments handled and rode like crap and until they fix that problem they will always be looked at by the magazines as the least exciting sled to ride. The magazines do not care about longevity they only care about ride, handling, and power.
one more point...when I first got my attak..I hated it..period..
after tweaking the supension....rebuilding the rear shock and changing the spring...stiffer swaybar..different skis...adding wheels etc...
a whole different animal...
Id put it against any lighter sled...sure it required more effort to work the weight...
but I need a good workout anyway :exc:
So SJ, then you have just re-assured my main point... The shock guy should be fired at Yamaha or at least whoever makes the decisions to say what stays and what doesn't as far as calibration is concerned. I know on my Apex and talking with Ohlins one day they said they had the awesome calibration for the Apex when it was first released as prot and once it went to production at the 11th hr, some dummy at Yamaha through in their junk setup and they went with that... You know, there is always going to be a weight issue with 4 strokes, but rags give a junk review for Yamaha as the same reason why number1kyster has said. They review based on weight, power and handling. Yamha only has power, so that is why it always gets a junk review and their is no reason for this. There is no reason why they can't be the best ride/handling and have the best power. I'll take the weight if they got that figure out.

On another Note SJ.... Just look what you had to spend to get your sled to ride and handle. 700+ dollars on a new sled. In all my years of sledding, I never had to worry that much about handling and ride.... Almost every ski-doo I have ever owned was perfectly calibrated. Even junk CAT gives an awesome ride and handling. I guess I made my point.. I hope Yamaha and Chris from the Canadian Blog read this, because this is getting to be a very old subject that never seems to get delt with..
i am just saying how mouch did the mags love the fx nytro when it first came out and now they hat it what happen'd. I think that they need to pay moor attention to wet weight than dry. And I think my fx nytro handles awesome and I did not put a dime into the suspention. it sounds to me like allot of you would rather ride a doo than your yamaha so why diddn't you buy a doo? So if they handle that bad and the ride sucks why do you own one. the mags are not fair to Yamaha PERIOD. I have owned every brand and the fx nytro is the best sled i have ever owned. when I bought my sled I went riding with my friends who have a rev 600 and a zr 900 with thousands of dollars in mods and I whooped the zr in a drag race and walked away from the rev on the trails that were bumpy and lots of tight turns.
it doesnt matter who reads it...even the top at yamaha..
because the market in general is smaller and costs are up...they arent going to spend the coin on suspension...in fact I predict they all will be cutting back on engineering...again ...market share..and increased costs of raw goods..
if Yamaha unleashed its power...like they have in the past with dirt bikes and watercraft etc...
they easily could be on top...Yamaha snowmobiles is a small division and the main division has a harness on them for sure..
big company watching bottomline..
this is why you see them cutting production and trying to create a supply and demand ...you will see higher prices with less units...and less dealers...which again will equal higher prices..

and maybe through these higher prices will come better suspension engineering...but I wouldnt bet on Yamaha changing their M.O.
:yam :4STroke: :

I know Kevin at Snotech and the guy really knows what is happening when it comes to sleds. But... I think they really do more riding than wrenching. His theory had always been to ride them as they come from the factory, so if it needed any tweeking as they all do, it didn't usually happen. Bottom line, the roughest sled got used the least.

Defending Kevin, this puts the issues back in Yamaha's lap. They need to test more on the snow rather than (in my opinion) a computer generated scenario.
allenpoulin said:
again sj why did you buy a yamaha sounds like you hate them

Trust me he loves Yamaha and you are still a newbie, because you would not have just stated that if you been here for a while.
Why wouldn't you WANT to ride a sled that was set-up correctly to the rider - without it the tests make no sense. . . . . .kinda like leather interior in a Yugo. . . . .it's just not right
did not mean to offend anyone sorry. it still makes no sense to me how they came to that conclusion in 300 miles. it is still bias in my opinion.

sorry sj and sledfreak just harrasing you a bit it was a joke
