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Standard Phaser in unbroken trail conditions

The stock track is only for hard packed trails and yes it plows in deep powder with this track. Very difficult to get weight transfer and to keep the skis on top of snow. I tryed everything to "solve" this but no luck.. I changed the stock track with the freeride 1,5" lugs and it really made a difference. Totally different sled with this track and I would not have been without it. Worth the money! Just my toughts.
sniperviper said:
The stock track is only for hard packed trails and yes it plows in deep powder with this track. Very difficult to get weight transfer and to keep the skis on top of snow. I tryed everything to "solve" this but no luck.. I changed the stock track with the freeride 1,5" lugs and it really made a difference. Totally different sled with this track and I would not have been without it. Worth the money! Just my toughts.

Thanks for the info. What do you do with your sled as far as use goes? I ride combination packed trail and get off the beaton path to access remote ponds and camps, usually on logging roads. Can I ask you what the track ran you for cost and install?
I use my sled on hard packed trails, off trails in the bush and on mountain so pretty much the same use as you describe. But if you mostly ride in deep powder I think you should take a look at the phazer mountain. I bought the fx because I dont need and dont like these long bus type sleds and because the fx had the best suspension for my type of riding. I live in Norway so I dont know what you will have to pay for that track in US. I installed the track myself. Not difficult at all and it took me aprox 3 hour.
Mountain lite skis make a big diffrence for keeping skis on top of the snow.
Forgot to mention that I think there are some negative things with this mountain skis. Because of the high narrow heel it makes stearing heavier on hard packed. And when driving in condition with a thin layer of hard packed on top of powder (dont know what you call conditions like this) I dont like this skis at all. The sled does some crazy movement. It almoust feels to have wobbling on a street bike for those of you who have experienced that. Dangerous! And I have nothing wrong with the skis allignment. A couple of friends of me who have apex mountain have experienced the same thing so I'm thinking to go back to the stock ones and add some wider plastic "skis" with standard keel under the stock skis. Yamaha scandinavia have this for the phazer but I havent seen it on theyr US webpage and I dont know what you call this thing either..
I think they call it Darting when you wobble, and it has
alot to do with ski alignment.
When I demo'd the mtn lite last year, it darted like crazy I almost didn't like it, but the skiis were out of wack.

My personal mtn lite does not dart.
Yes your probebly right but I have checked my ski allignment and its as it should be. Also, I havent noticed any darting on hard packed trails... I know what you meen about darting but I think this must be something else. I have had skis out of alignment on other sleds I have had but I have never felt anything like this on a sled before. The apex mountain guys have noticed the same on theyr sleds and one of them ment that it was because of the shape on this skis that cases this darting/wobbling. But I dont know..
my vector mtn skis are the same,dangerous in some situations when the to snow layer is frezing on top of powder.
It depends what you are comparing it to. I live in Maine and probably ride similar areas as you. It handles the fresh snow much better than my Apex. i can break trail with the Phazer much easier than with the Apex. I actually enjoyed riding it in the fresh snow from the last 18 inch storm in rangeley. Obviously the mountain sleds will handle better, but we don't usually get the deep snow that some people see out west.
I have OEM mountain skis on my FX. I found that if I run the front shocks soft it will dart. But if you stiffen them up, there's no darting. And for deep snow ( for MI. around here deep snow is 1-3 foot ) it will ride on top. And the track does need a little more bite.
