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Strange issue today


Jan 25, 2010
Madison, WI
Anyone experience when under load in deep snow the sled revs high and does not feel fully engaged? Then is grabs and seems to slightly bog before it feels normal again. This just started to happen and there is no sqealing from the belt which is new and the track is not ratcheting. Sometimes the rev limiter kicks in as well. Pulled the covers and inspected the belt, primary and seconday, all seems fine. Could it be my secondary spring?


I get that too whenever I first start it... It slips for a bit.. I never noticed if snow was getting in causing it to slip or if it was just slipping cause it's cold?
Sounds like the belt and or clutches are getting wet. The vents are pretty wide open on the front of the sled and allows snow in there.
Sounds like snow injestion and onto the clutches..
Thanks guys, when I inspected the clutch primary/secondary and the belt there was no sign of anything wet though. I will clean the clutches and run it today away from any deep snow to see if it happens again, then I will cover up my vent temporary and put it under load in deep snow and see again if it happens or not....
Belt could be dropped down in the secondary when you let off (no backshift). When you get back on it, it revs until the primary grabs the loose belt.
Could it be that the secondary spring is getting weak causing it to do this? I always wanted to try a different one with my d&f's but they say to run the stocker.... Has anyone tried a different spring with good results?
I had it happen once, not to long after taking off in the morning. I was going through some fresh powder and it just kind of rev'd up a bit without moving more. I pulled all the covers and the clutches were dry. Flipped the sled up on it's side and seen all the ice buildup (I have since removed the tunnel protectors) noticed a lot of ice around the edges of the drive axle also. Maybe this caused it? Hasn't happened to me again
Well it only started doing it to me this season since I changed my red spring setup to the black setup. I'm gonna shim my spring so I can add more weight to the shoulder. Before that tho I'm gonna clean my clutch and belt with some clutch cleaner... Maybe theres a slip surface that needs to be cleaned up.
I had this issue as well. I feel like it was more prevalent upon start up. Snow was wet and track was hooking up almost to good. I feel like when belt and sheaves were somewhat cold ther could have been some slipage although i didnt smell and burnig or hear any sqealing. Almost felt like i would go full throttle once moving and there would be a small delay before the sled really starting pulling. The motor was spot on. Must be something with clutch. I have new belt 100mi and newer sled 800 mi. Maybe i need to shim belt up in secondary?
I am also interested in this topic, it only seems like it does it on startup, engine revs up, with what seems like not as much track spin then the rev limiter kicks in then heavy bog... thinking it might be belt slippage, but no burning belt smell... so wet belt?
natedawgedog said:
I am also interested in this topic, it only seems like it does it on startup, engine revs up, with what seems like not as much track spin then the rev limiter kicks in then heavy bog... thinking it might be belt slippage, but no burning belt smell... so wet belt?


Is anyone else running a clutch kit? I never experienced the bogging.... What I'm thinking my problem is because I cleaned my clutches till they were shiny then recleaned them with powermadds belt and clutch cleaner.... Maybe they would need another cleaning or add more shoulder weight... Somethings gonna work one day lol
DOH!!!!! Put the sled up on the lift and realized I lost my engine protector! Must have been the boondocking huge snowdrifts from the blizzard last week. Embarrasing but you all were correct that the clutching was getting wet as it was a huge entry for the snow to shoot right up in that area from the bottom. Interesting that there was no sign of snow inside the area an was dry. Must have been just enough to get on the belt to make it slip. Anyway, thanks for all who responded so quickly, this site truly does rock!
Attakdog when we had that sled it was the throttle cable it was not quite long enough to have the riser all the way up. check and see that your throttle cable is not super tight. you may need to get a longer cable.
