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stretching an apex rtx


Feb 25, 2010
A summer project... I want to stretch my 2007 Apex RTX from 121 to 136. I want to put a 1.75 track on. Is there any issues with clearance? if so what should I Know? I guess my first question should be if anyone has done this and did they regret it.




I did the 121-136 on my '06 Apex...I installed a 1.5" lug...I left the tunnel protectors in place..it is tight but works....I did a 121-144 on Phazernuts '08 Apex and he went with the 1.75" lug...I had to cut and remove the tunnel protectors...not a big deal...takes a bit of time...but thre is enough clearance when the protectors are gone ..Larry
If you do it right it will be the best sled you own. For a 1.75 you have to cut out the tunnel protectors. I would gear down one on the top from a 24 to a 23. I got all my parts from Tom Hartmann.
deweysgt said:
your ride quality will suffer unless you change the rear piviot point. Been there done that

Can you give us some details on this? I'm looking to stretch my GT this summer also.
You need to have a setback axle with wheels 7,5" ((136-121)/2")back from the rear original upper axle. The lenght is the same as the rails has been extended.

My advice would be to try to get a setback axle with mounting brackets from a Attak on a "sledscrap" , you can measure on the attak for the correct lenght between axles if you feel uncertain.
Ok, after reviewing the microfiche for the Attak vs my GT, I get it now. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks.
the angle of the track in the rear must match the angle of the front a arm. After stretching mine to 136" I noticed the ride quality suffered but couldn't understand why. Thinking it was a shock issue I chased that for almost two years until I read an old thread on TY. A guy from Sweden sent me a pic that explained what was happening. I can send you the pic to your email if needed. It's too big to post on TY. I did find some used parts and will be doing the conversion myself
Dont go complicating things too much with all the approach angles and geometry. Mine is a 144 from an XTX, and all I did was measure the distance between the front and rear axles (upper of course) and I made sure the top of the track sat parallel to the tunnel protectors. Been riding it for a couple seasons now and it's the best handling Apex I've ever been on?
Not every suspension is designed the same, and many are designed for a different chassis, weight, or a differently balanced machine, so you're always taking a risk of no getting what you're looking for, or having to sor out issues.
If the skid comes from a factory machine, measure how it's set up in the machine it came from. If it's an aftermarket skid, get the manufacturers specs and follow them...
MIne has a bit of kick to it now on certain bumps. I don't do a lot of ditch banging type riding. I have adjusted my shock so most of the issue is gone. In my mind the improvements outwheigh the bad points. No regrets here.

Maybe a ZX2 144 will fix my issues....hmmmmm.
APEX 06 said:
If you do it right it will be the best sled you own. For a 1.75 you have to cut out the tunnel protectors. I would gear down one on the top from a 24 to a 23. I got all my parts from Tom Hartmann.
The rtx comes stock with a 22top gear btw.
