Stripped the cheap screw! very frustrated


Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Auburn, NY
I stripped one screw while taking the bottom of the carb off for a cleaning. Out of the 12 screws just one stripped and it's really bad. I tried everything to get it off. I even tried using a rubber band for extra grip using a screw driver and also pliers hoping to just break the initial seal so it would come right out. No luck :o|

Anyone have a similar experience and then get the screw out...any suggestions for me? I'm at the point now of taking the entire carb rack to the dealership and hope they can get it even if they have to drill it out. Something this small is causing a lot of problems and my luck, we'll get a major snow storm and I wont be able to ride bc this stupid screw. #$%&*

At first I was questioning myself to why I had to clean them and should have just left it but then one of the pilot jets in the carb I was able to clean was completely plugged so I'm glad I did.

Any suggestions I'd appreciate it.
Ya go to SEARS they have a kit for getting that out. When I got one it was 40 bucks but that was 3or4yaers ago now. They have save me time and time again.
can you grab the head with vicegrips? if not you can cut a slot in it with a dremel and use a flat blade screwdriver. replace with metric allen head bolts with neversieze.
Use a cutting wheel in the ol' Dremel and grind a slot for a flat head screwdriver. Done that a few times.

I am assuming they are Phillips head. Myself and many others have removed them and replaced with Allen-head screws.

--Steve (O.C.)
Vice grips, if no go, then dremel a cut in screw head and use a flat head screwdriver, and if that doesn't work, try a screw extractor kit.

Personally I wouldn't bring it in to the Dealer. You're gonna handle it way more cautiously than they would.
I used a pair of needle-nose vise grips to remove the stubborn screws:
I jusy went thru the same thing and needle nose vise grips- instant success and went and got stainless allen head screws to replace
any and all stripped ones
thanks gusy. I'll try needle nose vice grips and the screw extractor if that doesnt work. I'm determined to get this out. I was replacing them as soon as I get them out and then ran into the one screw giving me all the problems. Never fails, something that you think would be easy turns into a major pain. This should have taken me a half hour or less to clean my carbs and its turning into a 3+ day project just bc I cant get the last screw out. #$%&*

I'm determined so I'll win this battle.
I find that these help in your frustration. Usually the result is expensive but sometime worth it.


  • 20069191019420.Hammers-Tools.jpg
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Bamboo said:
I find that these help in your frustration. Usually the result is expensive but sometime worth it.

haha I already broke the carb heater on that one bowl from frustration.
in another topic in the engine section Len Todd said he cut the head of the screw right off which then seperates the carbs and then you can grab the remaining screw with needle nose and slowly unscrew it. I may first try the dremil and make 2 small marks and try with a flat head screw driver and if that doesn't work I'll cut the head right off and do what Todd mentioned. I just dont want to get it to the point where I need a whole new carberator bc I cant get the screw out and made it imposible to fix.
I jusy went thru the same thing and needle nose vise grips- instant success and went and got stainless allen head screws to replace
any and all stripped ones

You might not want to use Stainless Steel in an Aluminum carb. Look up galvanic reaction on the internet. SS and AL are generally a no-no together.
