Oil filter access plate screw heads stripped

Just an update - I used a Dremel tool with a cut-off wheel and was able to cut decent slots into the heads. I found a heavy duty screw driver that fit pretty well. One bolt came out. The second one had a nice fit, but with all the leverage I could get, I simply couldn't budge it. I am not a weak person, it just was in there incredibly tightly. At this point the sled was jacked up with a floor jack and a brace under the front skis. With the screwdriver held tightly in place, I had an assistant lower the jack slowly until the weight of the sled rested on the screwdriver. Then, using a pipe wrench on the screwdriver grip, gradually applying more force, the bolt abruptly broke free. I was amazed at both how much force it took to get it to break free, and the fact that the bolt head didn't break off. In the end I was able to reuse both bolts, no drilling required.

Thanks for the tips. Now just need to get reverse somehow adjusted to actually stay engaged and not pop out and grind. Big snow appears to be coming in a few days, and I want to be ready.
Already said here but make sure you put anti-seize on the bolts when you put them back in. Also I've had luck hitting the bolts with some quick heat from my torch. Doesn't take much and they seem to break loose.
Guys, I jacked up my sled to remove the two screws which keep the oil filter access door shut. Both screw heads have stripped to where nothing turns them, even trying to hammer a torx bit in. What should I do to remove them? What are the replacements in case I destroy these?
I just had the same experience. Got it out using these bolt removers I picked up at Canadian Tire. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/...ic-0581207p.0581207.html?rq=Bolt+removers#srp
They work great on striped bolts, screws, etc. Just tap on the one that fits tightest on your problem fastener and ratchet it off. They are designed to bite on. Then I replaced the Allen head screws with 10 mm bolts. Much easier to deal with under there.
