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Studding track


VIP Member
Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
2023 yamaha sidewinder srx le eps
I received all my studding stuff today and was wondering does it make a difference which side you tip a sidewinder on. Clutch side or muffler side. I figure you guys would know. Thanks
Neither. You never tip a 4 stroke on a side.
Left side read Manual
I received all my studding stuff today and was wondering does it make a difference which side you tip a sidewinder on. Clutch side or muffler side. I figure you guys would know. Thanks
No need to tip er on its side to studs!! Just lift track of the ground sit on a milk container and mark,drill and install studs above the rear wheels (behind the sno flap) There lots of room to get drill and impact in there.
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I studded my sleds by lifting the rear from the bumper and did not tip to either side as Yamamarc said.
I've never had any issues tipping Yamaha's on their side. I don't go all the way over however, I use an axle stand with a cup attachment on it, under the handlebar.
Answer :either.
You can use a ratchet strap off the rear bumper hooked to a beam or something stout in your garage roof. That’s how I did it for years.
Now I do my homework studying my track like this......

I know, I know it’s cheating, but I hate homework!
wish i had the room for a hoist some days but make do with the sled lift as i used to do it all on the floor with a peice of wood holding up the track from the rear bumper.
Thank you for all the advice. I have no way to lift the back any higher than a track stand. Dry walled garage. I do have the stand with the handle bar cup to hold snowmobile on its side. Will see what I can come up with.
Thank you for all the advice. I have no way to lift the back any higher than a track stand. Dry walled garage. I do have the stand with the handle bar cup to hold snowmobile on its side. Will see what I can come up with.

My garage is drywalled as well. I attached a D-ring to one of the celing joists then in the winter or prep for winter months I attach a chain hoist. That way I can lift the front/back anytime to pull the skid, change sliders, add studs etc. In the off season I just unhook it and put it away.
Yes that was my idea as well installed a strong d hook last night with a adjustable strap. Thank you. It works.
