SW X-TX LE verses SW X-TX SE


Nov 16, 2016
Reaction score
Oxford, MI
2015 Yamaha RS Vector
2015 Yamaha X-TX Viper SE
2001 Polaris 550 Super Sport
I am trying to decide which snowmobile is right for me. I have found a dealer that has a X-TX LE, so I'm trying to decide if this sled is right for my type of riding. I ride groomed trails 85% of the time in Michigan. And I like to ride off the trail when the opportunity presents. I rode a Viper X-TX SE last season and I really loved it, but as you can imagine I want the turbo. So I'm being tempted to purchase the LE model for the deeper lug track, wider skies and shock upgrades. I'm just not sure it is need for me. I'm looking for constructive opinions or feedback from people that have rode the LE 141 SW. Does this sled have good trail manners? Is this sled much slower then the SE 141 SW? I look forward to reading the responses.
These answers don't exist yet but there isn't much difference between the 2 mentioned sleds. Can't be much performance difference. Pick a color.

Comparing the current specs from Yams website on my phone the only difference I can see besides the colors is the LE has new 2017 Mountain skis and the SE gets Tuner III skis. I've never ridden T3 skis but the definitely don't look like a ski that would give flotation. Looks like same shocks and not even a heated seat.
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Track difference too. 2.25 vs 1.6. Personally I never cared for the 1.6 track. I had 15 viper XTX LE....I mostly trail ride, I liked the sled, a 1.75 would have been perfect for me, but the 2.25 wasn't too bad.

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lots of differences
-heated seat
-2.25 track
-fox float evo
-40 inch front end vs 42 se
-mountain seat vs trail seat on se
-mountain skis vs tuners on se
-low windshield on le
I didn't mean to post bad info.
I was going by Yamahamotorsports site. There are some discrepancies. Go figure.

M "bone" spindle front suspension with 7" travel and 40" stance
Mountain seat and low shield

SRV front suspension with 10" travel
Trail seat
Med windshield.

The site lists the 2.25 Powder Claw for both. I guess that's wrong.

The site also lists Evols on the SE but shock upgrades is usually the main value of Spring ordering so I'm guessing that's wrong too.
Try and find a Sw xtx Le 137. Will be hard to find but likely fit your riding style better , QS3 shocks with 1.75" track. Or the STX Dx 137 with 1.6" track
