Synchronizing the Throttlebodies

These are the hoses I was talking about earlier, was it this thread or another? During the turbo install those ports were utilized. Good find.

MCX also use all ports for vacuum in their turbo kits. But my start up and idle is not perfect anyway.

Dont go out and bother your dealers or buy tools to do this. I am experimenting and really am clueless other than having synced many carbed bikes and sleds in my day. This is a start since was suggested to do this and I am not confident in the new flash. Goal is to have a idle as smooth as a good runnin Nytro without a tuner.
Anyone know how sensitive this adjustment is? Also, how much different did your screw turns end up after adjustment; 1/8, 1/4, more, less?
Some more pics

This reducer had to be used because hoses were a hair to big id for bung on Throttlebody




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Anyone know how sensitive this adjustment is? Also, how much different did your screw turns end up after adjustment; 1/8, 1/4, more, less?
I did NOT have to adjust anything. Never touched it was almost perfect from factory. Now I adjusted screw and it is very sensitive. 1/8 turn moves the mercury a good 1/4 in. Screws are exactly where they were.
I have invited NosPro to have his checked since it is a know bad runner without his tune. Goal is to find why these sleds vary in idle quality especially. If his turn out to be fine we need to look for another reason.
Dont go out and bother your dealers or buy tools to do this. I am experimenting and really am clueless other than having synced many carbed bikes and sleds in my day. This is a start since was suggested to do this and I am not confident in the new flash. Goal is to have a idle as smooth as a good runnin Nytro without a tuner.

Thanks for sharing this info! Helps a lot!
Mine wasn't in tune when I check it. The engine was to be operating temperature. And it to see where it goes when you bring it up to 3000 rpm's also.
I believe you. My fan was running and did raise rpm as much as I dared. Same result. Now to come to a conclusion I need to find a poor running one to do same test on. I also need to disconnect my PCV. If I didn't believe yours was solved by doing this I would not have taken time to do it myself. I thank you smooth ride. More to come.
I did NOT have to adjust anything. Never touched it was almost perfect from factory. Now I adjusted screw and it is very sensitive. 1/8 turn moves the mercury a good 1/4 in. Screws are exactly where they were.

Thanks. Do you know how similar your 3 screw were (turns out)?
The two out side ones at about 1 turn and the centre was about 1/8. It idle like crap. Now I have the centre at 3/4 and the out side ones around 1 1/4 to 1 1/2. And it idles good now. When I had it on my sync tool the centre one was the problem when it missed at idle.
Is anyone know the factory set up for the 3 air idle srew on the throttle body i try to adjust whit carbtune but the result is not good want to return to factory default set up .
Did you ever get the info?
