Synchronizing the Throttlebodies

I am playing around with mine now. I would go to 3/4 turn from seated and adjust from there.

Hi..are these air or fuel you have location you guys have a lot of knowledge here!
Hi..are these air or fuel you have location you guys have a lot of knowledge here!
Has to be air since only fuel is from injectors. Whether its affecting a air circuit or just opening throttle plate I do not know. Will look around for cutaway. Is a pic in the other thread where I am going to put this thread also.
Yes I believe thats what happens. I am at 800ft though so not sure if it goes BELOW sea level! Since higher up it should be leaner. Maybe it went into some default. Was no code though. Shop still stinks from that though.

The MAP sensor (air intake pressure) on the left and atmospheric sensor on the right?
when I look at the picture of the nytron assembly I get a little confused? The three hoses goes to the right sensor?
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The MAP sensor (air intake pressure) on the left and atmospheric sensor on the right?
when I look at the picture of the nytron assembly I get a little confused? The three hoses goes to the right sensor?

View attachment 123492
Its same on Viper. Map is on the left when sitting on sled. Baro is in the middle. Baro has no hose on either.
You know those throttlebodies in pic dont look like what is on my Viper. Even the vacuum ports are in different position.
Ok! Thats why! :beer:
I never realized it till now since I never really took a good look at the ones on my sled. Definitly alot more changes than they have listed in that pic. Maybe we need to put a whole Nytro TB set on! Why would they change them?
And your test with the three hoses to the MAP sensor showed how sensitive and important it is. With only one hose to the MAP sensor it's important that all three throttle bodies are sync?
Has to be air since only fuel is from injectors. Whether its affecting a air circuit or just opening throttle plate I do not know. Will look around for cutaway. Is a pic in the other thread where I am going to put this thread also.

Has to be air since only fuel is from injectors. Whether its affecting a air circuit or just opening throttle plate I do not know. Will look around for cutaway. Is a pic in the other thread where I am going to put this thread also.

what other thread?
I can not stop thinking about why it did not work with the three hoses to map sensor? The vacuum can not be stronger than the strongest throttle body??

Cannondale, sure you not put the three hoses in the BARO sensor..?

;):D ;)!
