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Tell a cat man what you like and dislike about your Phazer

if your used to hanging of a sled when in the corners, you know, the guy who needs a left hand throttle also, than you will be able to handle the style of the pxz. If you just sit on the sled and go where you point it than stay on an old laid back model. These things are motox oriented and it is a world of difference. And on some minor mods, fuel accelerator, pipes and come close to 100 hp

Best mod I made was shocks.Havent done any motor mods except exhaust and I didnt notice any difference other than a bit more wieght in back with stock.Freeride track was second best mod for sure.
How much for the freeride track and what differences did you see....

Anyone use the Ulmer or Schmidt Bros clutch kit (which is better and why)?

Anybody do the air box mods?
I had a phazer last year & could'nt beleive it.It felt pretty good not like a
big bore sled but pulled strong. Then all my freinds had to start drag'n.
I beat my buddies 01 mach z every time acossed are feild maybe 6/7 hundred feet no b/s also a 95 mach 1 with motor work a 96 xlt 600 & side by side with a rev 440 mxzx with a 600 mod motor till the end acossed a feild in tug hill. That sled impressed the heck out of me all year long.
But I sold it to a buddy & now im on a nytro...

ps i also ran it on are motocross track worked great. :Rockon:
Prav said:
How much for the freeride track and what differences did you see....

Anyone use the Ulmer or Schmidt Bros clutch kit (which is better and why)?

Anybody do the air box mods?

How much?I cant remember but I do alot of ditch running and track keeps me from burying sled.So it didnt matter.Bonus was it just plain kooks up hard on anything but ice.Fun beating the big boys for a while!

Ulmer Clutch Kit is right at top of my favorite mods also.I didnt do it right away and I was having trouble with sled overreving 12,000 alot.His kit put it right back where it belonged and lessened engine breaking.I think it helped a little on top end also even though I dont worry about that much.
Prav said:
How much for the freeride track and what differences did you see....

Anyone use the Ulmer or Schmidt Bros clutch kit (which is better and why)?

Anybody do the air box mods?
you should be able to get one from tracks USA for fairly cheap (around $650) best bet is to look around on the net or see of someone has a used one (not likely). I have the ulmer kit and a freind of mine has the schmidt bros. kit. i've got tons more bottom end he takes me in the straights, as far as other things go i've got alot less engine braking, clutch engagement is way better on mine in my opinion. as far as installation goes they're both fairly easy. I guess it all depends on what you want to do with the machine. as far as air box mods go they're great as long as your air pods don't rip off and get sucked into the intake!! lol, happened yesterday. still trying to determin if i did any damage... so far seams to be running fine.
Speaking of clutching,

Has anyone else noticed a difference in the free lengths of the primary springs between the Ulmer kit and stock?
If you put stock spring back in with Ulmers wieghts it is a very aggressive setup hits hard on engagement.Ulmers kit is very smooth which I think is faster for my type of riding.
i was gonna get a freeride track but got a used polaris 136x1.75x15 and cut it down on a table saw to 14.25 in wide....works great and i saved 400bucks
