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The People who are dissapointed

you know in the short guys, i will bet the cat turbo will not be as quick out of the whole and as fun on response. i ran turks old cpr turbo and its a absolute blast when spooled, and cpr,s are quick spoolin but not as respomsive as the stock apex. maybe the cat will have response, but i highly doubt it. Everyone talks about the motor the motor. i think yamaha has a great motor, its the rest of the sled needs to be improved. skid. exhaust especially.

I my self am NOT dissapointed... 1. i just bought an 06 ATTAK and im am not going to be obsoleted the year after i buy it! and someone else said too horsepower is not everything...maby for a few yes, but most no, i myself cannot think about anymore hp my ATTAK is the fastest, most powerfull sled i have ever had the privlage of riding! it will be nice to see whats next, it will be interesting to see how this cat and doo will make out rember, they are the ones playing catch up right now 1200cc to make 130hp! no thanks ill take my 1000cc making 150hp! 177hp i really want to know what insurance will be. i am glad to see others bringing out 4 strokes its better for every one no matter the colour. people are going to swich brands, they always have, and always will, i have a couple times b4, and i am back! and plan on staying this time, i never really appriciatd YAMAHA untill i was stuck on something i didnt like.
2008 Nytro RTX said:
Yamaha has come out with a new sled every year for the last few years,it had to stop somewhere. The Nytro RTX se should be a sick sled! But as i said,You cant expect Yamaha to come out with a new sled from the ground up every year. Next year I would expect a higher HP Apex for sure though!

They can't ALWAYS make us feel bad about NOT waiting you know. :drink:
sprtnwd4yamaha said:
Alot of you are stuck on this HP issue (not enough) quit complaining and boost your sled. you will still have plenty of reliability.

Don't think I haven't thought of it. But a 14,000 dollar sled plus a 7 thousand for the turbo installed is way out of my league.
I dont understand the need for more horsepower than is already offered! Most of us trail ride and I know I find my apex more than enough for all trails, no matter where.... If you must go faster than get a turbo and keep it on the lake...If that isnt enough than start snow cross or something...
So many people drive to fast on trails where familys are, we need to police ourselves better to be safer for all...........
riverrat said:
I dont understand the need for more horsepower than is already offered! Most of us trail ride and I know I find my apex more than enough for all trails, no matter where.... If you must go faster than get a turbo and keep it on the lake...If that isnt enough than start snow cross or something...
So many people drive to fast on trails where familys are, we need to police ourselves better to be safer for all...........

Its simply human nature...bigger, better, faster. If you build it...people like Tim Allen will buy it.
rightarm said:
Yummy said:
I'm very disappointed from Yamaha, I guess they gave up to be #1 in 4S. I'm sorry to anonce that I'm jumping ship and will be riding the Z1-T next year. My current Apex has over 14k miles and I will not push my luck. Once a sled has reach 10k miles, in my type of riding, you must change to a new one. Never again I will keep more than 2 years - 4 strokes or 2 stokes.

Also, on the Yamaha Canada, the 2009 price posted are the same as 2008, so that mean They have NOT adjusted the CDN versus USA. So the currency excuses from them was full of balony.

BYE BYE Yamaha

Bye Bye frenchie go buy one of those overpriced lemons

Now here is an intelligent post ........NOT! Mods are going to have fun with this one.
rightarm said:
MadMax said:
I seen this day coming for sure... Let's face it.... Cat & doo have tried to trump one-another for years now....... I expect doo to hang a turbo on the new 1200 verry soon.. Being a triple it will more than likely have about 200 hp. Then cat will add more, then doo,then cat, then doo.. Well you get the idea....I just don't like the idea of two huge pistons going up & down side/side like the cats.. Now doo in IMO has a better motor.. I wish they would have put the new venture motor in the vector.. Oh well, they had to keep the cost down.. And I have no complaints with my vectors carbs. MM.

Ski doo motor better than the Suzuki design you're high and have been eating too many cabbage rolls and brautwurst sausages.

Go figure another intelligent post.............. :bash:
I would love to have more STOCK horsepower. I am looking into my boost options to see what best suits my riding style. 90% to 95% of MY riding is off trail. When I am on the trail I drive the appropriate speeds and sometimes below. Now off the trail I would love(and need) more ponies to keep me going so I can keep the WEIGHT above the snow for a change. I would love to see more torque too!

I'm not really that disappointed with Yamaha for not re-inventing the wheel. They've got a great lineup anyway, and they have different sleds for different tastes already. I was however, ready to sell my '06 for something new, but since the new stuff isn't that much different, i'll be doing 136's or 144's on both and enjoying the aftermarket this season instead of new factory iron!
Sasquatch said:
sprtnwd4yamaha said:
Alot of you are stuck on this HP issue (not enough) quit complaining and boost your sled. you will still have plenty of reliability.

Don't think I haven't thought of it. But a 14,000 dollar sled plus a 7 thousand for the turbo installed is way out of my league.

Buy in the US. I don't know why you guys get hosed on the pricing so badly for, that is one gripe that has merit.

So anyway, if you bought in the US - I know CPR was selling turnkey turbo Apexs at one point for 14k? can't recall, it was around there. Or you could buy used - 05/06 RX-1/Apex plus a new turbo + install is definitely going to be cheaper than that, and make a LOT more hp than the Cat.

I still fail to see why everyone is getting so excited about this Cat turbo. Yes it's nice, good for them. But 200+ vs 177 for comparable money? No thanks.
Dont just quote a portion of my post if you go on to read i say if you have the money for a new sled but dont like the 09 line-up, then take some of that $$ and boost your sled if you want more HP.

I have alway been yamaha but when it came to going from my 01 700 mt max to the apex for the type of riding i do, there was no way i was going to buy one if i couldnt boost it because of the power to weight ratio, we do very little trail riding but very deep and very steep riding. My friends would have ridden right over the top of me, i boosted my sled now they cant even touch me.

i agree with silversurfer about price. When i built my sled i bought every thing new and i was into it at about $20,000, but i think now that we are into the apex a few years you could buy used everything and have an outstanding sled for $12-16,000
I was bummed out by the line up. With the weight war on I thought we'd start seeing even lighter4 strokers. All we really got this year was a rear shock and a tipped rail. I was in Yellowstone for the release and was disappointed. Yes they do already have awsome sleds. I'm going to hold onto my 06's. Aftermarket time!! Nothing wrong with that. That new Cat is a pig. It's huge!! I asked the Cat fellas for a weight and they couldn't tell me one. I did have my Yammi jacket on though!!!
riverrat said:
I dont understand the need for more horsepower than is already offered!

172 has been offered and many of those sleds still running strong. They are getting long in the tooth and its time to offer something to replace them with. What better than a 177hp turbo 4 stroke.

Where I live there are huge lakes, one that comes to mind has a 50mile lake run. There are many others like it. Big motor means running in a foot of snow for 50 miles without the motor even feeling it.

Big motor means riding double in a foot of snow for miles and miles without it working hard.

Big motor means less throttle so motor is not even close to stressed.
silversurfer said:
So anyway, if you bought in the US - I know CPR was selling turnkey turbo Apexs at one point for 14k? can't recall, it was around there. Or you could buy used - 05/06 RX-1/Apex plus a new turbo + install is definitely going to be cheaper than that, and make a LOT more hp than the Cat.

Ya I know someone who bought a CPR RX1. I however want a Venture but with more motor. So a hardly used Venture turboed is an option.

I still fail to see why everyone is getting so excited about this Cat turbo. Yes it's nice, good for them. But 200+ vs 177 for comparable money? No thanks.

New verses used verses warrentee verses none. Motor goes boom the new sled gets a new motor. The used one gets? Contrary to popular opinion Yamaha motors do go boom.

So a Venture boosted to 180hp costs the same as a Touring Cat. The Cat is expected to go fast. The Venture is not. The Venture is a way better sleeper. Food for thought indeed! Wonder if CPR would build one of those? Kind of a Cat killer! LOL
