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The winter is looking good! La Nina is back!


TY 4 Stroke God
Apr 16, 2003
Eastern Washington- Cheney
Check this out! It's snowing on September 19th.


49° North Mountain Resort
It's Snowing!!!!!!!!!!!


It is currently snowing at the summit of Chewelah Peak. This is the first sign of winter seen at 49° North Mountain Resort this fall and we are elated. We hope this means winter is just around the corner.

We've already received some good news form the National Weather Service. According to the National Weather Service, the Northwest Region is in for a wetter than normal winter as the result of La Niña conditions.

"The recent SST forecasts for the Niño 3.4 region range from ENSO-neutral to La Niña. Nearly all of the dynamical ENSO models forecast the continuing development of La Niña during the next couple of months, and several of the statistical models also indicate the continuation of La Niña conditions through the end of the year. Therefore, current atmospheric conditions (stronger than average easterlies over the west-central Pacific) and observed oceanic trends indicate that La Niña conditions will further develop and possibly strengthen during the next 3 months.

Based on current conditions in the tropical Pacific, the most recent model outlooks, and on results from historical studies on the effects of cold episodes, wetter than normal conditions are expected over Indonesia and drier than normal conditions are anticipated over the central equatorial Pacific during September - November. During this period, potential impacts over the contiguous United States include wetter than normal conditions over the Pacific Northwest and drier than normal conditions over the southwestern states."

[Information extracted from El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion

http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov:80/product ... ndex.shtml

Check out the link.


Here's a more graphic image of where NOAA is saying the snow should be falling. This is for December, January and February. The temperatures show roughly normal.



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I'm in my happy place right now. For the last few weeks I have being doing the snow dance. Today there is snow at the tops of the mountains around me.

It looks like McCall should be the place to ride this winter. Based on the pictures it appears to be the center of the predicted heavy precipitation universe.

As a disclaimer, hopefully, the precipitation is much more wide spread than the map indicates.

Frostbite said:
It looks like McCall should be the place to ride this winter. Based on the pictures it appears to be the center of the predicted heavy precipitation universe.

As a disclaimer, hopefully, the precipitation is much more wide spread than the map indicates.


I'm ok with McCall getting all the snow.
Alright Ray, you've been a great host to a bunch of us snowmobile hooligans so you deserve the good snow. If McCall didn't have good snow it would be tough to rationalize coming down (other than Christie's great cooking of course). Yup, you guys derserve the deep stuff. Count me in!

Dang! El Nina is right...We just got dumped with over two feet of snow!!! But we are way too far north for that to be any good for anyone else, lol.
The sea has not frozen yet since we are only in the minus 5 to 10 ranges. It usually freezes around -28 Celcius. Anyways, thought people would like to hear that snow is on the way south!!

:Rockon: Sept. 27th - two feet of snow!!! More on the forecast...Lots of people now snowmobiling up here!!! ;)!

We got a teaser last night. Just enough snow to make most of the lawn have a white tint to it!! It's to dark to see the mountains yet, but I'm bettting they are all white!! It won't last, but it is nice to see.
I was coming back from Colville yesterday and noticed quite a bit of snow on top of Kalispel and Mt. Spokane. Can't believe we are getting snow this early. Hope it keeps up.

