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Thrusted Vector's Suspension Mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TY 4 Stroke Master
Mar 25, 2005
Sudbury, Ontario
2015 Viper XTX LE MPI Turbo
2022 Expedition Extreme 850
I finally found a spare moment in time to do Thrusted Vector's suspension bracket mod. Well, I did it and went straight for the powder (in the dark). All I can say is.....Holy MO-FO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, the machine handles like a sports car! Yes the machine feels alot lighter!!! Unbelieveable!!!!! Sorry for sounding a little over the top, but WOW!!!

For you stocker suspension riders out there (03/04) this is a must! I am hunting for an M7 141 suspension...now I don't mind waiting to find one.

I made one tiny error. The hole I drilled on the one back plate (rear idler) is out by 2mm compared to the other side. The drill bit ran off a bit for some stupid reason. I even took a punch first to prevent this from happening, but it did. I hope it doesn't affect anything.

What exactly is the thrused vector suspention mod bracket? Sorry still a newbie have not seen this one yet.
Here it is;
http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php? ... inch+riser

Hey RX1Tahoe,
As I recall you were using the MPI transfer kit along with this mod. If thats true, are your rail tips getting chewed up, i.e. are you getting any unusual vibration in the deep. I was, and had to raise up one hole. I really miss my lowered rear, any suggestions as to settings to use both the transfer kit, and the mod? Not interested in re-installing the transfer rods.

One other question about the mod, are we reducing overall rear suspension travel when we do this?

Thanks, Mark
Thanks Thrusted Vector this is a great mod. I do not see a need for other suspension now. It really does make a tremendous difference. I now am running simmons,20/42 gears and your mod,and my old rx works very well. Thanks again
Thatspec, hi, I did everything Thrusted Vector recomended. Before the mod I installed the MPI transfer kit. I still wasn't happy till Trusted Vector mentioned the set up. I'm 210# and have the center shock @ the stiffest setting.

The only problem I had is when my 325# friend and I swapped sleds, the MPI limiter straps dragged on the track and ruined the straps.

Otherwise the set up has 1,200 miles on it, no vibrations and I do have scratchers to help with the hyfax.
Oh, I forgot to mention that on Snowest magazine a few months ago (article 32 no. 3), someone else did the same set up on a 1,000 Summit.
I'm about 210 geared up. I will try cranking up the preload on the center shock, what about front limiters, and rear shock? My MPI straps are in the standard position, front limiters midway, shocks in the middle right now, full rate adjuster-middle.

I can see the mod has little to do with the rail tips getting chewwed, even in the middle hole on the rear drop brackets they have gotten worse. Didn't start until I put on the MPI kit. Considerably less vibration in the middle hole however. It seems like I'm getting too much transfer if the rail tips are pointing down that far. Perhaps upping preload on rear and/or upping full rate adjuster to hard?

The front limiters are all the way out, maxed. The MPI limiter straps are @ positive 3BE & HJ. Never touched the rear shock since new.

The main thing I hated was the steering being heavy and trenching. I also have the Ski Doo offset skis. I came from an 02 700 MM.
how is this mod with a 162 x 15 track? I move my suspention the other way and it handles like crap. Good in the deeeeep powder as you have a little more rome to the running boards. If Thrusted Vectors mod works on the hills I'll change my set up tonite.
Jabber, I was trenching less in the deep stuff with the mod (highest hole). Only difference I see for you is a an exageration of the same problem I have (rail tips hitting track/potential spearing due to excessive transfer to rear). Determining factor is what kind of skid do you have? Stock skid w/ rail extensions + MPI transfer kit may be a bad plan. If your using the original transfer rods definately go for it. RX1Tahoe has both MPI kit and mod done and has no problems (I'm assuming the stock track length) so it could be my other settings. I will be trying some different settings soon though no new snow at least 'til wed. It doesn't take long to do and is easily reversible, all your out is time. Note the slight angle the holes are drilled on (possibly an arc) though I just lined the new hole up with the other two. If you drew a line through all three, it would not be straight up and down. Hope this helps.

thanks for the info Mark. I'm running 100% stock except for the 162 and tunnel ex. 162 makes a huge difference hill climbing and boondocking. I'm going down to garage to do thrusted vectors mod.
Put the mod through a real test yesterday. I spent most of the day ripping up hydrolines. I did get stuck once but it was my fault because I had to stop to avoid a tree.

The front end comes up much more easily now...I hammer the throttle in the deep stuff and the skis lift off and wheelie off shallow bumps. It didn't do that before. I can carve much more easily.

The funny thing was while I was stopped on the groomed trail another guy showed up on his 04 RX1 Mountain. He asked if I was the guy who had been tearing through the powder for miles. He said he wouldn't dare take his machine through the stuff I did. It was cool to stand there and point out the bracket mod, tell him to junk his stock skis, risers, etc etc etc. His other buddy showed up with an 02 MM 700 with a 1.25. He said the MM goes everywhere and beyond what the RX1M does. I hope that guy takes my advice because that MM won't do what the RX1 M will do when set up. I know because I have an 03 MM with spacers, jetting, clutching, bored can, etc that I use at work. I doesn't have the power and floatation that my RX has.
