Time for a new track?

Now the big decision is what track to run next.
Sled came with 1.75 Backcountry track.
Storm 150 was ok.
Might just try and find a 1.5 ripsaw 2 . 2 ply and stud it.
In it for top speed or good trail sled. My guess is you're probably looking at the 1.25 rip II so you can put some good studs in there for traction....ie: 1.575" or 1.5" rip and you'll have to go with a longer stud to get the same traction, BUT I will say once you go Stud Boy Super Pro Lite backers you won't go back! They are like adding lugs to the track so you can make up for inefficiencies in studding
I had a 1.75" Backcountry on the Attack and nobody wanted to ride behind me Period! I can't imagine that track on a Sidewinder. That would be throwing softball size ice chunks all day long. The fact that I couldn't stud the Backcountry made things uncomfortable at times when the trails were icy but you could definitely go with the igrips(I think they call them) so at least you could get across icy parking lots and have some grip to stop on ice.
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In it for top speed or good trail sled. My guess is you're probably looking at the 1.25 rip II so you can put some good studs in there for traction....ie: 1.575" or 1.5" rip and you'll have to go with a longer stud to get the same traction, BUT I will say once you go Stud Boy Super Pro Lite backers you won't go back! They are like adding lugs to the track so you can make up for inefficiencies in studding
Trail ride in Lake effect areas where we end up with a lot of sugar snow in areas.
Other areas get icy also.

The backcountry 1.75 I ran with no studs.
I had put on a longer snowflap because everyone was complaining about the amount of snow it would throw. Kind of like a jet boat going across the lake.
Had it break loose a few times above 90mph from ice patches here and there. That was the reason for studding the storm 150 with 1.875 length studs.
How does the rip 2 compare to the original ripsaw in traction on snow?
I like the rip II 1.25". Really have no complaints with that track and I'm not looking for the ultimate lake racer because I just don't have access to big lakes all the time. I'm more apt to go off trail or have to break trail through drifts or ungroomed trails after a deep snow fall. The Backcountry excelled at this, but as you know, get a little loose on a lake at speed and it's not a good feeling.
Whatever you do don't go composit. Crap Russian tracks that throw studs.
For what it is worth, I like the 1.25 Ripsaw 2. Durability is most important to me. I run 5 studs per bar, so I cannot tell you how the traction is on a bare track. IMO, the Rip2 seems to better in loose snow than the Rip 1 did. Seat of pants is not scientific but that is my impression.
For what it is worth, I like the 1.25 Ripsaw 2. Durability is most important to me. I run 5 studs per bar, so I cannot tell you how the traction is on a bare track. IMO, the Rip2 seems to better in loose snow than the Rip 1 did. Seat of pants is not scientific but that is my impression.
I took the rip 1 off my 06 apex when the 5th stud came out, and replaced with a rip 2. I was surprised how it would pull the front up breaking trail, as its more of a paddle design. It also appears to slide more around corners, which I like, as the lugs are tapered on the edges. But it isnt studded so I compared it to a vector with a brand new rip 1 instead of my old studded one. Both seem to be great durable tracks. My daughters 05 vector still has the original rip 1 minus many lugs. It ratchets and I tighten it but it still goes. Yeah...it needs a new one!
Never got around to changing out track....
Around 5500 tuned miles on it now.
Started to feel vibration...
Its done!
Fiberglass rod hanging out. Studded from day one on the Storm 150.

Never got around to changing out track....
Around 5500 tuned miles on it now.
Started to feel vibration...
Its done!
Fiberglass rod hanging out. Studded from day one on the Storm 150.

View attachment 177859
Good catch. That could have left a mark on you and your sled if it let go up top. That's toast
Good catch. That could have left a mark on you and your sled if it let go up top. That's toast

Its been a rough winter...
Shock shaft bent.
Sled has a gremlin in it...
track is done, toast.

It's like now i have two sets of front shocks.
3 sets of rear shocks
2 sets of carbide
Set of hyfax
Extra clutches, springs, weights ,helix's.
And no track.
Almost enough is never enough!
Time to ride my nytro
Its been a rough winter...
Shock shaft bent.
Sled has a gremlin in it...
track is done, toast.

View attachment 177860
Well with the snow your getting over that way, your putting some miles on. TUNED with alot of goodies.
You bent the shock shaft on your rear? Middle? Wish I have the miles in you do!
Well with the snow your getting over that way, your putting some miles on. TUNED with alot of goodies.
You bent the shock shaft on your rear? Middle? Wish I have the miles in you do!
Right front shock
You must of landed hard to bend one front shock how on earth did you do that ?

Riding like i just left your best friends girlfriend house dodging bullets and eating a cheeseburger! :die :sled2:
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