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Tipping your RX-1

Bob Miller

TY 4 Stroke Master
Apr 19, 2003
New Milford CT
Present Sled: 2011 Yamaha Apex 128
If you are going to change your Hyfax or your skegs, is there any problem with tipping the RX-1 on its side?

Here's another one; I've changed a track on a 650 Polaris by myself (labor intensive) I was considering making up a swiveling device like they use on cars for restoration! Using something like an engine stand on each end of the snowmobile that would clamp to the bumpers and then you would have the ability to turn the whole sled over for ease of maintenance!

What do you think! :D

How about when you need to change your skegs or your hyfax, can you safely tip this sled up on its side????
How about tipping the sled on its side, for maintenance????
If you're going to put the sled on its side for any significant length of time,

a) drain the oil.
b) drain the gas.
c) remove the battery.

That being said, there's really no kind of maintenance that would need the machine to be on its side. I've installed a skidplate AND changed the sliders without tipping. That covers full underside access. Just lift the part of the machine that needs work.
Draining everything is a bit extreme. I find it to be much easier to put it on it's side. I have done hyfax and skid plate installation with no ill effects.
On my past sleds (Two Stroke smelly :( ) I always tipped them on there sides for changing hyfax and skegs, and if I can get away with it on this Warrior; WHY NOT :D
How about that guy that put 10K miles on his RX-1 and still had the original Hyfax? Anybody else getting that kind of life out of there's?
I also noticed on this new Warrior that every other window on the track is closed ( never had a track like this, and never had a long track either)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this design? :roll:
I just turned mine on it's side for an hour, to install the skid. No problem. Someone said that if you turn it on one side, it can leak gas. I don't remember which side.

Any Extended period of time will also give the oil more time to leak into cylinders (far left or far right) this usually does not cause too much of a problem except fowling plugs or at worst cause ringwash in any event expect the engine burn the oil in the cylinders and as convert said in the airbox, the battery would'nt be much of a concearn being it is a sealed battery.

OOh almost forgot the fuel will also leak out of gascap and if you do not have fuel shutoffs it will leak out of the carbs.
