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Top Speed run


Jan 14, 2012
Whitehorse, Yukon
I went for a blast this afternoon on my 03 RX1 M (stock). Did some WFO runs on the marsh behind the house (1000 ft runs).
Conditions: -7C (20 F), calm, clear, 2400ft elev. 4 feet of dry, light powder, no tracks.
Sled lifted the skis out of the powder, ran up quick to 10500 rpm, and ran hard with no hiccups, but....max speed was 115km/h (73 mph).
! weigh 240 and was up on the seat for most runs, but 115 was max.

Is it the depth of the snow, the weight of the rider, the length of the run, or...

In reality, I am happy (thrilled) with the performance of my sled, but just curious about others' experiences.

Been too cold or too warm to ride the marsh since I bought the sled in dec, so this is my first speed run. :4STroke:

The powder will slow you down quite a bit. Stock '03 clutching on the RX-1mtn was good for about 94 MPH on groomed trails but dropped off alot in fresh/deep powder. A set of Holtzman Engineering carb springs are a thing to add in addition to clutching. I ran the red springs at at elevations ranging from 3200'-11,000'+.

Can't help you on the clutching. I have been running an MPI Stage 1 Supercharger since '06.
The powder will slow you down quite a bit. Stock '03 clutching on the RX-1mtn was good for about 94 MPH on groomed trails but dropped off alot in fresh/deep powder. A set of Holtzman Engineering carb springs are a thing to add in addition to clutching. I ran the red springs at at elevations ranging from 3200'-11,000'+.

Can't help you on the clutching. I have been running an MPI Stage 1 Supercharger since '06.
Thanks BlgsRX-1mtn. I am happy with the all around perfomance of the stock clutch so I will leave it alone. What advantage can I expect from the red carb springs from Holtzman?
KBrian said:
Thanks BlgsRX-1mtn. I am happy with the all around perfomance of the stock clutch so I will leave it alone. What advantage can I expect from the red carb springs from Holtzman?

You gain RPMs due to lower spring tension on the vacuum slides.
